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Information Technology / Bachelor of Computer Application



Admission for the Session 2021-2024 is open.

Admission in BCA is Closed. 

Apply as per following program



A candidate, having passed I.Sc. (+2 of Intermediate) securing a minimum of 45% marks in agreegate, with Math as one of Optional Subject at +2 Lavel compulsorily, is eligible for admission in B.Sc (Hons.) in Information Technology.

Forms and prospectus will be available at the college counter from 29-04-2015, Timing: 10am to 5pm to 05-06-2015 after payment of Rupees 500/-

Last Date of submission of completed form 05-06-2015, Timing:9am to 1pm (At office of CA/IT Dept.) after payment of Rupees 500/-

Completely filledin application form alongwith attested copies of marksheet of the qualifying exam and other testimonials must be submitted on or before 05-06-2015, Timing:9am to 1pm (At office of CA/IT Dept.).

The Entrance test (Written) will be conducted on 07-06-2015 Timing: 9.00a.m. to 11.00a.m

Display of list for selected candidates for viva-voce 09-06-2015, Timing: 3:00pm

Interview (viva-voce) for C.A 13-06-2015 (1:30pm - 3:30pm) and for I.T 13-06-2015 (9:00am - 11:00am)

Final List of Selected candidates will be displayed on 15-062015 at 3:00pm

Admission Begins from 17-06-2015, Timing:10.00 am to 12.00 noon & 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm.

Last date of admission is 25-06-2015, Timing:10.00 am to 12.00 noon & 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Inaugural Class : 27-06-2015 ,Timing:10:30 a.m

Parent meeting : 28-06-2015 ,Timing:10:30 a.m

Regular Classes as per routine: 29-06-2012.

*Candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC category are required to submit the photostat copy of their caste and income certificate also.



Selection will be made on the basis of written test followed by viva-voce. The list of candidates short listed in the written test will be displayed for viva-voce. The final selection will be done on the basis of performance in both written examination and viva-voce.

A candidate can apply and opt for only one course at one time for admission. The option once selected will not be changed under any circumstances.

The Candidate must submit the admission form on or before the last date, fixed along with the marks sheet of +2 or intermediate (or equivalent). The candidate must read the application form carefully before filling up the columns. Applicants are required to furnish the details of their blood group. It is mandatory for registration in the University. All the columns must be filled up with required information. Forms without proper data will not be processed for the entrance test.

The completed application form must be submitted along with the photo copies of marks sheet and pass certificate of +2 examinations in the admission office on or before the last date of submission.

Admit Cards will be be signed and returned to the candidate by the admission office and it must be brought on the examination day. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall without admit card under any circumstances.

Canvassing for admission in any form is not allowed and any such attempt will lead to rejection of candidature.

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