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Mass Communication

Admission for the Session 2021-2024 is open.



B.A Mass Communication-Video Production (Hons)


Minimum 45% marks in aggregate in Intermediate (Arts / Sc / Com or

equivalent (+2) from any recognized board / council / such as CBSC, ICSE


3 years Hons Degree Course


For admission contact

Syed Sajid Perwaiz (9504422748)


Prospectus is available at college fee counter from 2ndof June 2017. It can be obtained by paying Rs.500/- in cash. It can also be down loaded from our Web Site:







Issue of prospectus

02.06.17 (Fri)



10am? to? 3pm


At the college fee counter

Direct Admission

45% & above

10.06.17 (Sat)


25.07.17 (Tue)

10am? to? 3pm


Students should come ?along with the original & photo copy of 12th mark sheet & Admit card, original school leaving certificate & two passport size Photographs


Last Date for submission of forms

25.07.17 (Tue)

10am? to? 3pm


At the college fee counter

Inaugural class

26.07.17? (Wed)


At the department

PT meeting

27.07.17 (Thu)


At the department

Regular classes as per routine

31.07.17 (Mon)


At the department











The College offers admission in Mass Communication Part-I for the session 2017-20

Admission starts for First Year in B.A./B.Com. This course is for three years duration and for each year, the examination will be conducted by Kolhan University. A Candidate, passing +2 or Intermediate examination (Arts, Science and Commerce) having a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate is eligible to apply for admission, which subsequenlty will be decided through a Written/Aptitude Test and interview. The written test will be of objective pattern covering radio, television, history, culture, literature, sports, current affair and journalism etc.

Candidate should submit the admission form along with the marksheet of +2 or Intermediate (or equivalent). The candidate, after filling up the form, will retain with him/her the Admit Card and shall directly appear in the test on the date mentioned in the Admit Card.

Forms and prospectus will be available at the college counter after payment of Rupees 500/-

Forms can also be downloaded from this web site. Printout can be taken on A4 size paper only. The Downloaded form (completely filled in) must be sent to The Prof-in-Charge, Dept. of Mass Communication, Karim City College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001 along-with a Demand Draft of Rs. 500 in favor of The Principal, Karim City College, Jamshedpur

Completely filled application form alongwith attested copies of marksheet of the qualifying exam and other testimonials must be submitted.

Those applying through the admission form downloaded from this web site are required to deposit a sum of Rs. 500/- at the college fee counter as the cost of prospectus before submitting the admission form.

(Students have to enclose a DD of Rs.400 in the name of Principal, Karim City College, Jamshedpur?with this form and send it to college address)


Subjects and Combination Details for Admission in Mass Communication Part One

Mass Communication-Video Production has been approved by Kolhan University as Honours subject and is based on 12 papers besides permissible Subsidiary subjects.

This course will have 11 papers of theory and practical plus one paper of report writing on "On-Job Training" and project report based on films / documentaries made by the student according to given assignments. Besides training at production houses, newspaper offices, All India Radio and Doordarshan Kendras, the students will have In-house production facilities for practical training of Video Production. Eminent media experts will visit the department as guest lecturer from time to time to conduct workshops and lectures for the benefit of the students.

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