Karim City College


About Library

The library came into existence in 1961 itself when the college was established. The aim of the library is to cater to the information needs of the Faculty, Research Scholars, Students and its other members. It is the heart of the institution and acts as a centre for the collection of literature predominantly and its allied subjects and intends to develop a comprehensive collection of information that is useful for teaching, research and learning purpose. The college library has large number of text books and reference books to support the educational needs of the students. All the books of the library have already been bar-coded and are issued electronically to the students. In keeping up with its user-centered efforts, the college Library has successfully installed E-cataloguing system.

The college Library is connected with INFLIBNET (a Govt. of India project) through which students and faculty members may utilize hundreds of e-books and e-journals, both national and international. All newly admitted students must contact the college library to get their INFLIBNET ID through which they can have free access to huge consortium of Ph.D. theses, research papers and study materials named e-shodh sindhu, e-shodhganga etc. Currently more than 4500 student ids have been generated on the INFLIBNET. Currently our INFLIBNET membership provides a huge database of books: Proquest (185000+ e-books), EBSco (936 e-books), Springer (2300 e-books), Cambridge University Press (1800 e-books), ISEAS (382+ e-books), Sage Publications (1000 e-books), McGraw Hills (1124 e-books) & 05 e-journals.

Working hours is from 8:00AM to 8:00PM

Location of KCC library

The library is situated in the heart of the college. No separate building for the library, it is located in the same building. The library floor mainly consist of three sections:  Central Library, Reading Room and Virtual Library and they all are located separately.

Reading Room & Virtual Library Facility

The college library has Reading room facilities under CCTV Surveillance with a seating capacity of approx 100 students. Reading Room is for study purpose only, Students can sit and they may use for their academic pursuits. Books, magazines and Journals are available for students and faculty within reading room for temporary issue. The reading room remains open during the college hours. Students are expected to utilize this and other facilities of the library to the optimum level.

Virtual Library is for online access, students and faculty can browse internet and can avail the facility of internet. The Library is primarily meant for the use of Students, Faculty, Staff and others.

The college has introduced the concept of E- Learning by establishing a virtual library in the offline mode. Thousands of E- books and E- journals are available which can be accessed by the students. The students may also upload books or study materials for the benefits of others. The college has launched its offline e-portal Rauzan which has been made available to both students and staff members through internet and intranet facilities. A huge consortium of e-books has been created on the portal. The college library is continuously uploading books as well as scanned copies of printed books on the portal. The portal also offers the facility of uploading notes both by teachers and students. E-notices, e-routines, blogs and uploading of books by students are some other features of the portal.


Library Services

  1. Borrowing and Issuing of Books
  2. Reference Service
  3. Internet Facilities
  4. Photocopy services
  5. Old Question Papers
  6. N list Subscription
  7. Library OPAC
  8. Reading room with 100+ seating capacity.

Circulation Services

Central library is for issuing of books, the students can issue books for limited period of time. The college Library provides issue and return of books and other documents for its users. The library remains open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. However, due to heavy work load, separate timing is fixed for the issue of books. Three books can be issued to a student at a time for a period of two weeks. College ID card serves as the library card which has to be produced by the student at the issue counter for borrowing books.

Reference Sources and Services

The Reference Collections include Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Periodicals,  Theses and Dissertations, Acts Maps, Atlases, Rare Books and separate Jamshedpur Gallery for Jamshedpur’s  writers  for consultation in the Library only, and are shelved  and arranged in separate sequences.

Internet Facilities

Free net surfing facilities are available to the students in the Virtual library. The college also provides free Wi-Fi services to all its students and staff.

Reprographic Services

The college Library has introduced Xerox & Printing Facility for the students and Staff members so that the text books, reference books and relevant study materials can be photo copied, or printed at rate of Re 2/- per copy.

Question Bank Services

Students who needs previous year Question Papers for study purpose, they get from Library through E mail.

Talking Books (LEX)

In order to facilitate visually challenged the college has procured software through which printed books can be converted into talking books. Students can make the computer read the hard copies and can also make a record of it. A separate booth,  accommodative of two students at one time has been installed in the virtual library.



Total Collection

The library has huge collections of books, journals, periodicals, reference books, etc. as detailed below:



Library Resources












Newspaper (Daily)






INFLIBNET Subscriber

4500+ (registered members)


Reading Room seating capacity:



Virtual Library – Web surfing seating capacity:



Web surfing computers in Virtual Library:



Lex Software ( Talking Books for Visually challenged):



Photocopying Facility:



E Database:

  1. Proquest                          (185000+Titles)
  2. EBSco                             (936 Titles)
  3. Springer e books              (2300 Titles)
  4. Cambridge books Online  (1800Titles)
  5. ISEAS Books                   (382+ Titles)
  6. Sage Publications e books (1000 Titles)
  7. McGraw hills                   (1124 Titles)



E Journals


Library InchargeDr. Mr. Moiz Ashraf,
Head PG Dept. of Mathematics

Library Staff

Mrs. Naznee BegumLibrarian
Mr. Kalimullah KhanAssistant
Mr. DhananjayAssistant
Mr. Shafique AnsariPeon
Mr. Azmat AliPeon
Mr. Syed ZaheeruddinPeon
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