- Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D
- Designation: Assistant Professor (Head)
- Address: H. No-38, New Colony-C, Road No-5, Azadnagar, Mango, Jamshedpur-832110
- Mobile: 9835120130
- Email: khurshidkhan32@gmail.com
Designation : Assistant Professor
Present Position : Head of the Department
Date of Birth : 01/01/1965
Email ID : khurshidkhan32@gmail.com
Date of joining on temporary Post: 1997
Date of joining on Permanent Post: 2011
Highest qualification : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Topic of Ph.D. : Chemical Investigation of Adhatoda Vasica
Specialization : Organic Chemistry
Area of interest : Natural Product Chemistry
Teaching experiences : 26 Years
No of Publications : 05
No of Paper presentation : 04
No of workshop : 06
Paper Publications:
1. Adhatoda vasica – A Source of important phytochemicals: | J.Chemtracks, | 11 (2), 449 | 2009 | (0973-239X) |
3. A new aromatic ester from adhatodavasica: | J.Chemtracks, | 11 (2), 611-612 | 2009 | (0973-239X) |
4. Isolation and characterization of 2, 4-dihydroxynonane from Adhatoda vasica: | Oriental Journal of Chemistry, | 26(3), 1233-1234 | 2010 | (0907-020X) |
5. Isolation and characterization of 27-Hydroxynonacosan-3-one: | ActaCienciaIndica | XLIIIC, No. 4,507 | 2017 | (0253-7338) |
7. Skill-based, Problem-based, Research-based learning | Advances in Science Education, Lincoln Research and Publishing Limited | 52-58 | 2021 | 978-0-6488798-2-4
Paper Presentation in Seminar:
| Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. International seminar Sponsored by CSIR | Adhatoda Vasica – An Important source of Biologically Active Compounds, | Organic Synthesis for Human well beings |
| Karim City College, Jamshedpur, Sponsored by UGC “International Year of Chemistry celebration | “Chemistry in our Lives”.
| Green chemistry |
2018 | Tata College, Chaibasa | Enhancing new innovation and challenges in nano chemical and biological sciences | Isolation and characterization of 27-Hydroxynonacosan-3-one |
2021 | Jsr, Co-operative College, Jsr | Alchemy of Covid-19 | Covid Vaccine |
2017 | PG Dept. of Chemistry, Jamshedpur Cooperative College, JSR | Spectroscopic analysis of organic compounds. |
2017 | Deliver a lecture in faculty of chemistry on science day at Karim City College, JSR | Dr. C.V. Raman |
2018 | Karim City College, JSR | Contribution of Indian Scientist, in the field of Science and Technology. |
2021 | Online Lecture, Jamshedpur Co-operative College, Jamshedpur | Vaccine- an immunity booster. |
2023 | Lecture delivered in LBSM College, Jamshedpur. | Wave-Particle duality theory. |
2008 | Karim City College ,JSR | Inflibnet Awareness Programme | UGC |
2011 | Karim City College ,JSR | Translation Orientation workshop | National Translation Mission, Mysore |
2016 | Karim City College, JSR | PanditMadan Mohan Malvia National Minority Teacher’s Training Programme. | CALEM (MHRD) |
2021 | Karim City College, JSR | CALEM under (PMMMNMTT) AMU. | AMU |
2021 | Karim City College, JSR | Data analysis in R using STATCRAFT | AMU |
2023 | NML, Jamshedpur | Academia meet | CSIR |
Academic activity
- Visit Uranium Mines at Jadugoda and Uranium Ore processing unit of UCIL at Jadugoda on 2016.
- Visit Material Science Lab. in National Metallurgical Laboratory on 27th Feb 2017.
- Visit Uranium Mines at Turamdih and Uranium Ore processing unit of UCIL at Jadugoda on 15TH Feb 2017.
- Supervise a field project on drinking water quality analysis conducted by Department of Chemistry at Kopali village on 27.12.2017 by Part-III chemistry Hons students.
- Two days faculty develop programme on data analysis in R using STATCRAFT on 22nd 23rd July 2020, organise by Faculty of Commerce Karim City College Jamshedpur In association with Predictive Analytics Solutions Private Limited, Bangalore.
- Participation in two days in the International virtual conference on Nano materials FIVCON-2020 on 10th and 12th September 2020, Organise by Dept. of Nano Technology Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur. Andhra Pradesh.
- Online training on Academic leader ship under PMMMNMTT under (Ministry of Education Govt. of India) Organise by CALEM Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh from 28 January2021 to 03 February 2021.
- Deliver a lecture in seminar on Covid-19 Vaccine, Organise by Dept. of Chemistry Jamshedpur Co-operative College, Jamshedpur, on 1st November 2021.
- Participation in National seminar conducted by faculty of Commerce, Karim City College, Jamshedpur, on Agricultural and Rural Development, on 4th and 5th January 2023.
- Participation in Academia Meet conducted by NML, Jamshedpur, on 28th of April 2023 under the Umbrella of CSIR on account of “Prime Minister One Lab One Nation”
- Science Exploration tour for our PG Students to Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore headed by Dr. Khurshid Anwar Khan on the occasion of open day 2024 held on 24.02.2024. Tour was sponsored by Tata Steel Foundation.