National Cadet Corps & National Service Scheme

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The College NCC unit has many sucess stories. It has been regarded as the backbone of 37th Jharkhand Battalion of the N.C.C. Its cadets have proved their credentials by being selected in the Country's armed forces. Time and again they have been selected as best cadets in different national level camps.The unit is proved that a substantial number of its cadets have been selected to represent Jharkhand in Republic Day Parade at New Delhi. Lt. (Dr.) Fakhruddin Ahmad is nourishing the unit with great motivational force. Enrollment of girls cadets was started in 2009 and within a year the success was outstanding.



Republic Day Camp : Prince Kumar (S.U.O) All Over Cultural Senior, Delhi
Republic Day Camp : Ravi Kumar Shama (S.G.T) (State B/C)
Republic Day Camp : Avinash Kumar Singh (S.G.T)
Republic Day Camp : Ravi Kumar Sharma (S.U.O) Srilanka



Camel Safari Camp 2009. Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) S.U.O - Vikash Kumar Singh.

100% Result in "C" Certificate Examination.



Republic Day Camp : U.O - Ranjeet Kumar (Gard of Honour)
Republic Day Camp : U.O - Dharamjeet Kumar (All Over NIAP Seniour) Delhi
Republic Day Camp : L.C.D.L - Mehnaz Zarine (Central Ancar) Delhi
Republic Day Camp : S.G.I - Vishal Giri (Port Blair - Andaman Nicobar)
Mehnaz Zarrin : (U.O) Visited Maldives in Youth Exchange Programme.
Dhranjeet Kumar : (U.O) Visited Singapore in Youth Exchange Programme.



Avinash Victor Elais : (S.G.T) attended Republic Day.
Vishal Kumar GirI : (S.G.O) attended Indian Military Academy Camp.
Avinash Victor Elais : (U.O) attended Indian Military Academy Camp.
Durga Charan T. : (U.O) attended Thal Sainik Camp.



Ncc Unit of College Organised a 2 days Workshop on "JOINING INDIAN ARMY". 60 Boys and girls Cadets of Different Colleges and NCC Officers attended this Workshop Col. A.S.NARAYAN and Capt. Dhananjay Mishra addressed the gathering.

During Workshop a Blood Donation Camp was Organised by the NCC Unit. 42 Unit of Blood was Donated.




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National Service Scheme (NSS) is a noble experiment in academic expansion. It inculcates the sprit of voluntary work among students and teachers through sustained community interaction. The main objective of NSS is personality development through community service, acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude, develop a sense of social & civil responsibility and to extend the National Integration & Social Harmony.

The NSS unit of our College is actively engaged in community and social services in and around the campus, through its regular community development activities on weekends & special camping in adopted villages / areas.


  • Constructive work in adopted areas.
  • Welfare programmes.
  • Literacy, health, nutrition, awareness programmes
  • Environment preservation campaign
  • HIV prevention programmes
  • Tree plantation programme
  • Blood donation camp
  • Observing communal Harmony Week
  • Organising cultural Activities.


Recent activities of NSS unit of KCC.

Activities of National Service Scheme (NSS), 2012-13


National Service Scheme inculcates the spirit of voluntary social work among the students through community services. It brings academic institution closer to the society. Under the guidance of NSS Unit of Kolhan University, Chaibasa the NSS unit of our College is striving hard to inculcate a sense of social responsibility among the student volunteers, through various regular activities and Special Camping Program in adopted village.

  • Communal Harmony Week ? 2011: NSS Unit organized different activities from 18th Nov to 25th Nov 2011, during the week long program, with the aim of promoting communal harmony and national integration among the youth and the masses. D.C East Singhbhum, Mrs. Himani Pandey, inaugurated the programme and flagged off the Communal Harmony Rally. A? Slogan competition, Speech Competition, Patriotic Song competition organized during the week. Mr. Aziz Hussain, President, College G.B. distributed the certificates and prizes in the closing ceremony.
  • NSS Volunteers visited Shishu Bhawan: an orphanage, run by the Missionaries of Charity at Baradwari, Jamshedpur on 14th Feb. 2012. The main objective of the visit was to spread the message of love and care among the children living in the orphanage. The NSS volunteers distributed gifts and spent some quality time? with the children of the orphanage.
  • The NSS unit of the college organized a visit of the Cheshire Home at Karandih, Jamshedpur on 3rd May 2012. The Cheshire Home is a residence of severely disabled females in the age group of 12 to 55 yrs. The volunteers distributed fruits and other necessary objects among them. The visit sensitized the volunteers with a firsthand experience of understanding and empathizing the pain and suffering of the mentally and physically disabled persons.
  • NSS unit of College organized an Orientation and Enrollment program in the campus on 27thJuly 2012. The main objective of organizing the program was to orient the fresh newcomer students about the aim and objectives and activities of the NSS.
  • Ribbon Red Express; the joint effort of Ministry of Health and Railways reached the Tatanagar Railway Station on 19th Sept 2012. The Red Ribbon Express is committed to spread the awareness of HIV/AIDS among the masses in general and the youths and students in particular. NSS volunteers of the college visited the Red Ribbon Express and rendered their services during the inaugural ceremony and the exhibition.
  • 1st Oct 2012 is observed as World Blood Donation Day, Red Cross Society, Jamshedpur organized a Mega Blood Donation Camp. Volunteers of NSS Unit of College in collaboration with Red Cross Society participated enthusiastically in the camp. The NSS volunteers of the college organized a rally on the occasion to spread the awareness regarding the blood donation in the common masses. The volunteers donated 14 unit of blood during the camp.
  • NSS volunteers participated in the Youth Festival organized by the Sarvmilan; a youth organization at Loyola School on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd Oct 2012.
  • NSS volunteers participated in the Road Safety Rally organized by the SAFE? in collaboration with Corporate Safety, Tata Steel at Gopal Maidan on 21st Nov 2012.
  • NSS unit of the college organized an ?Inter Faith Dialogue on Communal Harmony? on 24th Nov 2012, during the opening ceremony of Communal Harmony Week-2012, observed from 21 ? 27 Nov 2012. Four clerics spoke in the Inter Faith Dialogue. Mr. Subodh Kumar SDM Dhalbhum was the chief guest on the occasion. A rally is also organized and flagged off by the distinguished guests. Various competitions are also organized to mark the occasion. Mr.Akhilesh Jha SSP Jamshedpur, the chief guest of the closing ceremony distributed certificates and prizes.
  • NSS Unit of the College organized a Special Camp in its adopted village Sarjomhatu near Domuhani, Sonari from 20 ? 25 Dec 2012. 50 volunteers rendered their services during the camp, focusing on the different issues of the villagers especially health and hygiene, education, sanitation, saving for the future etc. The village is predominated by the tribals.
  • College NSS Program Officer, Dr. Aquil Ahmad participated in a 7 days Training Program on ?Social Harmony, National Unity and Human Right? organized by the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur at Jadavpur University, Kolkata from 27th Dec 2012 to 2nd Jan 2013.?




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