
Believing in the old adage 'a healthy mind rests in a healthy body' the college has provided excellent sports facilities. The Games and Sports division of the College, with strategic support from TATA STEEL organises different sports activities. Special attention is being paid by the sports incharge Mr. Firoz Ibrahim to grow better sports persons in different games and sports.

The College owns a brilliant track record in the field of sports and has a reputation in games like athletics, basketball, handball, cricket, archery and boxing.

Sportsmen from the college have been participating in several national and international events in athelitics, archery, basketball and cricket.







Session 2015-2016


  1. Kolhan University Inter College Volley ball (Men) Championship 2015-2016 organized by LBSM College Karandih, Jamshedpur on 1st Oct 2015 at JRD, Tata sports Comple. Result Winner.( our four players has been selected for East Zone Inter College.
  2. Kolhan University Inter College Basket? ball (Men) Championship 2015-2016 organized by Karim City College,? Jamshedpur on 8th Oct 2015 at JRD, Tata sports Comple. Result Winner. Our five basket ball players has been selected for Chancellor Trophy and at first time Kolhan University Won the chancellor Trophy.
  3. Kolhan University Inter College Basket? ball (Men) Championship 2015-2016 organized by Karim City College,? Jamshedpur on 8th Oct 2015 at JRD, Tata sports Comple. Result Winner. Our five basket ball players has been selected for Chancellor Trophy and at first time Kolhan University Won the chancellor Trophy.
  4. Kolhan University Inter College Basket? ball (women) Championship 2015-2016 organized by Karim City College,? Jamshedpur on 8th Oct 2015 at JRD, Tata sports Complex. Result Winner.
  5. Kolhan University Inter College Badminton (Men) Championship 2015-2016 organized by Graduate College, Jamshedpur on 8th and 9th Dec 2015 at JRD, Tata sports Complex. Result Winner.


Session 2014-2015


  1. Kolhan University Inter College Badminton (Men) Championship -2014-2015 .Org. By Graduate School College? For Women Jsr .on 11th & 12th December JRD Sports Complex, Jsr - RESULT ? RUNNER
  2. Kolhan University Inter College Badminton (Women) Championship -2014-2015. Org. By Graduate School College? For Women? on 11th & 12th December JRD Sports Complex, Jsr - RESULT ? RUNNER
  3. Kolhan University Inter College Kabbadi (Women) Championship -2014-2015. Org. By Graduate School College? For Women? on 16th & 17th December 2014. At Mangal Singh Club Kadma, Jsr. - RESULT-RUNNER
  4. Women Kabbadi Players of Our College has been Selected for East Zone Inter University Championship.
  5. Kolhan University Inter College Basketball Championship -2014-2015. Org. By ?Karim City College,Jsr on? 18th December 2014. At basketball Court JRD Sports Complex - RESULT-WINNER
  6. Kolhan University Inter College Boxing Championship -2014-2015. Org. Jamshedpur Workar?s? College,Jsr on? 19th December 2014. At JRD? Sports Complex - RESULT-WINNER


Session 2013-2014

  1. Kolhan University Inter College Volleyball? (Men) Championship 2013-2014 organized by LBSM College, Karandih at JRD Sports Complex on 8th Sept 2013. Result Winner.
  2. Kolhan University Inter College Volleyball? (women) Championship 2013-2014 organized by LBSM College, Karandih at JRD Sports Complex on 8th Sept 2013. Result Winner.
  3. Kolhan University inters college Boxing championship 2013-2014 organized by Jamshedpur Worker?s College on 23 Jan 2014. Result-Winner.
  4. Kolhan University inters college Athletic (Men) meet 2013-2014 organized by Krim City College, Jamshedpur from 11th Feb 2014 to? 13th Feb 2014 at JRD Tata Complex. Result-Winner.
  5. Kolhan University inters college Athletic (Women) meet 2013-2014 organized by Krim City College, Jamshedpur from? 11th Feb 2014 to 13 Feb 2014 at JRD Tata Complex. Result-Runner.


Session 2012-2013

  1. Kolhan university inter college Boxing Men championship 2012-2013 organized by Jamshedpur worker?s college, Jamshedpur on 18th Nov, 2013 at JRD TATA Complex- Result-Winner.
  2. Kolhan University Inter college Basket Ball Men Championship 2012-2013 organized by Karim City college, Jamshedpur 0n 27th Nov 2013 at JRD Sports Complex. Result- Winner. Four players of our college has been selected for East Zone Inter University.
  3. Kolhan University Inter College Volley Ball tournament, 2012-2013 organized by LBSM, College, Karandih on 5th Dec. 2013 at JRD sports complex- Result ?Winner. Three players of our college has been selected for East Zone Inter University team
  4. Kolhan Univeristy Inter College Archery meet 2012-2013 at K.S College Searikela on 29th and 30th Jan 2013- Result- Winner.





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