

Admission for the Session 2022-2026 is open.




B.A. /B.SC. /B.COM. SEMESTER-1 (2022-2026)



  1. First you have to go to the Chancellor’s Portal for Online Application Registration
  3. Create your ID & Password. Keep your ID & Password safe as it will be required for future use.
  4. Give your mobile number carefully because it will be saved as your Registered Mobile Number (RMN). It will be used in future for all types of messages till the completion of your course in the college.
  5. Fill the Online Application Form through Chancellor’s Portal and pay Rs.100/- as application fee of Chancellor’s Portal. Keep the proof of payment with you.
  6. Keep a print out of the form with you because you may need it in future.
  7. Wait for the Display of Selection List by the College in Notice Board and College Website
  8. After Selection you have to go to the Chancellor’s Portal again and pay Rs.250/- or 450/- (as per your previous passing Board) as Registration Fee of Kolhan University, Chaibasa. Download and keep the proof of the receipt of payment.


Now! You have to go to College Online Admission Portal


  1. By now you must have received a new ID & Password (sent by the college) on your Registered Mobile No. Your Registered Mobile Number is the same which you have given in the Chancellor’s Portal.
  2. In case of non-receipt of the new ID & Password you should contact the college office.
  3. Enter the received ID & Password in College Admission Portal, fill in the online College Admission Form completely and upload the following documents:
  4. Wait for some time (one day maximum) to receive an approval message which will contain a demand amount also.

Your Online Admission Application will be approved by the college and you will receive a message on your RMN for the payment of Online College Admission fee. Now you can make your payment through:

Take a printout of the Online Admission Form of the college along with the College Payment Receipt and visit the college office during office hours for the submission of form and other documents and to receive the college prospectus and your class roll number.


 (To be submitted in the College)

  • College Online Admission Form
  • College Fee Payment Receipt
  • Xerox Copy of Payment Slip of Rs.250/- or 450/- (As Registration Fee of the Kolhan University, Chaibasa)
  • Original CLC/TC (As the original CLC/TC will be kept by the college hence keep sufficient number of photocopies with you)
  • Xerox copy of Qualifying Examination Marksheet (Two Copies)
  • Xerox copy of Qualifying Examination Admit Card (Two Copies)
  • Xerox copy of Matriculation Marksheet (For proof of date of birth)
  • Caste Certificate (If needed)
  • Income Certificate (If needed)
  • Previous Registration Slip of Kolhan University, Chaibasa (If applicable)
  • Testimonials related to Distinction in Sports/Co-curricular/Extension Activities


     Dr. S. M. Yahiya Ibrahim (Admission In-charge)                                                           Dr. Mohammad Reyaz (Principal)











Issue of Prospectus





10.00 a.m. to 3.00 pm




?55% & above in the concerned subject

B.Com.(Hons):55% & above in Accounts

B.A.(Hons):50% & above in the concerned subject




10.06.2017 (Saturday)




?? 20.06.2017 (Tuesday)




10.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m.

Last Date for submission of Forms

20.06.2017?? (Tuesday)



Display of List

24.06.2017??? (Saturday)

3.00 p.m.

Admission Begins

28.06.2017?? (Wednesday)

2.00 p.m.-7.00 p.m.

Last Date of Admission

08.08.2017? (Tuesday)

Inaugural Class:

Students should come in College Uniform in Inaugural class


05.07.2017? (Wednesday)



B.COM??? 3.00 p.m


Direct admission will be taken from 25.05.2012 to 20.06.2012, Timing 3pm to 7pm.

Forms can also be downloaded from this web site. Printout can be taken on A4 size paper only.

Completely filledin application form alongwith attested copies of marksheet of the qualifying exam and other testimonials must be submitted on or before 20-06-2012 up to 7:00pm

Selection list will be displayed on college notice board and in this website both on 23.06.2012 at 5.00pm.

Admission begins from 25.06.2012, Timing:3pm to 7pm

Last date of Admission 06.07.2012

Inaugural Class 06.07.2012, B.A/B.Sc : 3.00pm & B.Com : 5.00pm

Candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC category are required to submit the photostat copy of their caste and income certificate also.

Those applying through the admission form downloaded from this web site are required to deposit a sum of Rs. 250.00 at the college fee counter as the cost of prospectus before submitting the admission form.



The college has prescribed dress code for the students. Students are informed about their dress code at the time of admission through prospectus and notice board.


{slider=Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.)}

Subject for B.Sc.(Hons.) and Structure of Courses:

Semester Core Course (14 Papers) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) 2 Papers
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) 2 Papers
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) 4 Papers
Generic Elective (GE) 4 Papers
Sem -I C1 & C2 AECC 1? MIL Communication ...... ...... GE1 Basic Mathematics
Sem -II C3 & C4 AECC 2 Environmental Science ...... ...... GE2 Computer Application
Sem -III C5, C6 & C7 ...... SEC1 Current Affairs ...... GE3 History & Culture of Jharkhand
Sem -IV C8, C9 & C10 ...... SEC2 Personality Development ...... GE4 Economics
Sem -V C11 & C12 ...... ...... DSE1 & DSE2 ......
Sem -VI C13 & C14 ...... ...... DES3 & DSE4 ......

Candidates seeking admission in B.Sc. (Hons.) shall choose one of the following as their Honors Subject :

1.? Physics?? 2.? Chemistry?? 3.? Botany?? 4.? Zoology?? 5.? Mathematics

Candidates shall choose any one of the following as their AECC1 MIL Communication
English, Hindi, Urdu, Odiya, Bangla


Subjects for B.Sc. (Pass Course) and Structure of Course

Semester Core Course (12 Papers) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) 2 Papers
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) 4 Papers
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) 6 Papers
Sem -I DSC1A, 2A & 3A AECC 1 MIL Communication ...... ......
Sem -II DSC1B, 2B & 3B AECC 2 Environmental Science ...... ......
Sem -III DSC1C, 2C & 3C ...... SEC1 Current Affairs ......
Sem -IV DSC1D, 2D & 3D ...... SEC2 Personality Development ......
Sem -V ? ...... SEC3 History & Culture of Jharkhand

DSE1A Theory
DSE2A Theory
DSE3A Practical

Sem -VI ? ...... SEC4 Computer Application DSE1B Theory
DSE2B Theory
DSE3B Practical

Candidates seeking admission in B.Sc (Pass Course) shall choose any three of the following subjects as their DSC1, 2 & 3 :
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology

Candidates shall choose any one of the following as their AECC1 MIL Communication
English, Hindi, Urdu, Odiya, Bangla




{slider=Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)}

Subjects for B.Com. (Hons) and Structure of Course

Semester Core Course (14 Papers) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) 2 Papers
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) 2 Papers
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) 4 Papers
Generic Elective (GE) 4 Papers
Sem -I C1 & C2 AECC 1? MIL Communication ...... ...... GE1 Basic Mathematics
Sem -II C3 & C4 AECC 2 Environmental Science ...... ...... GE2 Computer Application
Sem -III C5, C6 & C7 ...... SEC1 Current Affairs ...... GE3 History & Culture of Jharkhand
Sem -IV C8, C9 & C10 ...... SEC2 Personality Development ...... GE4 Economics
Sem -V C11 & C12 ...... ...... DSE1 & DSE2 ......
Sem -VI C13 & C14 ...... ...... DES3 & DSE4 ......

Candidates shall choose any one of the following as their AECC1 MIL Communication
English, Hindi, Urdu, Odiya, Bangla


Subjects for B.Com. (Pass Course) and Structure of Course

Semester Core Course (12 Papers) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) 2 Papers
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) 4 Papers
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) 4 Papers
Generic Elective (GE) 2 Papers
Sem -I

English / MIL 1,

AECC 1 MIL Communication ...... ...... ?
Sem -II English / MIL 2,
AECC 2 Environmental Science ...... ...... ?
Sem -III English / MIL 3,
...... SEC1 Current Affairs ...... ?
Sem -IV English / MIL 4,
...... SEC2 Personality Development ...... ?
Sem -V ? ...... SEC3 History & Culture of Jharkhand DSE1A & DSE2A GE1 Basic Mathematics
Sem -VI ? ...... SEC4 Computer Application DES1B & DSE2B GE2 Economics


Candidates shall choose any one of the following as their AECC1 MIL Communication
English, Hindi, Urdu, Odiya, Bangla


Candidates seeking admission in B.Com. (Pass.) have to study the following subjects:

? 1.? DSC1: Financial Accounting

? 2.? DSC2: Business Organisation and Management


{slider=Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)}

Subjects for B.A. (Hons.) and Structure of Course

Semester Core Course (14 Papers) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) 2 Papers
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) 2 Papers
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) 4 Papers
Generic Elective (GE) 4 Papers
Sem -I C1 & C2 AECC 1 MIL Communication ...... ...... GE1 Basic Mathematics
Sem -II C3 & C4 AECC 2 Environmental Science ...... ...... GE2 Computer Application
Sem -III C5, C6 & C7 ...... SEC1 Current Affairs ...... GE3 History & Culture of Jharkhand
Sem -IV C8, C9 & C10 ...... SEC2 Personality Development ...... GE4 Economics
Sem -V C11 & C12 ...... ...... DSE1 & DSE2 ......
Sem -VI C13 & C14 ...... ...... DES3 & DSE4 ......


Candidates shall choose any one of the following as their Hons Subject
English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla, Philosophy, Psychology, Geography, History, Pol. Science, Economics


Candidates shall choose any one of the following as their AECC1 MIL Communication
English, Hindi, Urdu, Odiya, Bangla


Subjects for B.A. (Pass Course) and Structure of Course

Semester Core Course (12 Papers) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) 2 Papers
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) 4 Papers
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) 4 Papers
Generic Elective (GE) 2 Papers
Sem -I

English / MIL 1,

AECC 1 MIL Communication ...... ...... ?
Sem -II English / MIL 2,
AECC 2 Environmental Science ...... ...... ?
Sem -III English / MIL 3,
...... SEC1 Current Affairs ...... ?
Sem -IV English / MIL 4,
...... SEC2 Personality Development ...... ?
Sem -V ? ...... SEC3 History & Culture of Jharkhand DSE1A & DSE2A GE1 Basic Mathematics
Sem -VI ? ...... SEC4 Computer Application DES1B & DSE2B GE2 Economics

Candidates seeking admission in B.A. (Pass Course) shall choose any two of the following as their DSC 1 & 2 :

  1. Economics
  2. History
  3. Psychology
  4. Political Science
  5. Philosophy
  6. Geography

Candidates shall choose either English or any one of the following as their MIL
Hindi, Urdu, Odiya, Bangla

Candidates shall choose any one of the following as their AECC1 MIL Communication
English, Hindi, Urdu, Odiya, Bangla


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