Department of English
The Post Graduate Department of English
The Department of English is not only the witness but also a major role player in the success story of Karim City College, Jamshedpur. Since the inception of Pre University Courses in 1961 and the full fledged establishment of the college with Degree Courses in 1963 the teaching of English was taken up with sincerity and dedication. Prof. C.S. Prasad was the first appointment made on permanent post in 1964 whereas Prof. Mustajab Ali Khan was appointed on regular basis in 1967 and the appointment of Prof. Md. Masoom was made in 1971. In the late 60s and the whole of 70s & early 80s the department was very active in organizing different literary activities. In 1994 Prof. C.S. Prasad retired from the department after his historical and memorable services as the first Head of the department. After his retirement Prof. Md. Mustajab Ali Khan was given the responsibility of the Head of the department. S.M. Yahiya Ibrahim was appointed in the post vacated after the retirement of Prof. C.S. Prasad in 1999. Prof. Md. Masoom retired from the department in 2001 and Dr. Neha Tiwari was appointed in his place in the year 2003 Prof. Md. Mustajab Ali Khan retired as Head in 2004 and S.M. Yahiya Ibrahim was given the responsibility of the Head of the Department. Dr. Basudhara Roy joined the department in 2010 on the post that remained vacant after the retirement of Prof. Md. Mustajab Ali Khan.
Apart from the teachers working on permanent posts the department has utilised the services of guest faculties and part time teachers. In the earliest past Syed Muzaffar Hussain and Prof. Syed Anzarul Haque served the department as guest teachers. During the last twenty years the department was served by Dr. Shakibur Rahman Khan, Ms. Sabiha Salim, Dr. Waheeda Tabassum and Ms. Anjum Khan. Currently Prof. A. K. Dash and Prof. Saket Kumar are serving as Assistant Professors on regular basis.
Presently the department has five teachers in all, three working on permanent posts and two are working as guest faculties.
In spite of good track record, good demand among students and sincere efforts by the college authorities the teaching of Hons. was not given to the department and the department has to undertake only compulsory language courses and subsidiary courses at the degree level. The teaching of Hons began in the year 2010 and its first batch took up the final year examination of Kolhan University in 2013. Approval of the Government has been received to introduce Post-Graduate course in English with effect from the academic session 2022-2023.
The introduction of Hons teaching inculcated a positive energy in the department and several Pro-academic and Co-curricular activities were taken up by the department. The department launched its intra departmental forum KALA (KCC Arcadia of Literary Appreciation) in 2015 which targets to create a space for dialogue and a platform for deliberations to enhance the literary skills of the students.
The Department organises a plethora of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in order to empower its students and make them over into individuals of ability, talent and skill. The department organise a series of bi-annual lectures under the title Literologue. Student Seminars, PPT or Poster Competitions, poetry recitations, prose reading sessions, film shows, death or birth anniversaries of litterateurs etc are organised. (See Departmental Activities)
The Department has so far organised four UGC sponsored National Seminars, one National Seminar sponsored by Khusro Foundation, New Delhi and a self sponsored online International Seminar. (See Departmental Activities)
Covid 19 and its subsequent lock down gave us the opportunity and idea to do several online events and activities. Out of such activities the department turned two into its regular online event i.e. Writers Beyond Distance and e-cademy. We also organise a joint online event named Café Culturalis in collaboration with SPArC (Society for Promotion of Art and Culture), the literary and cultural platform of the college.(See Departmental Activities)
The Department takes up a lot of learner centric activities for the benefit of its students. We were among the earliest departments of the college that introduced the concept of student mentoring. Under this process every UG student of the department has been assigned with a teacher-mentor who constantly holds meetings with his or her mentees in an effort to support and guide them individually. The PG students are divided in groups and each group is looked after by a teacher-supervisor who not only facilitates them with regard to their dissertations but also guides and supports them academically. In an effort to support slow and advance learners a number of activities are taken up by the department. A course in Written English with special emphasis on examination skills is undertaken additionally by the department at the entry level. In order to facilitate advance learners the department undertakes an annual workshop.
Time to time the department takes up 30 Hour Value Added Online/Offline/Blended Certificate Courses also.
The department is striving hard to give wings to its students so that they may glide like the lark to the height of academics.
The Postgraduate Department of English at Karim City College envisions promoting the vision and mission of its college in the right earnest. The department intends to work in the direction of educational upliftment of the weaker section of the society especially the Muslim minorities. The department intends to encourage democratic, progressive and humanitarian values in its students. Pursuit of truth, freedom of enquiry, care for others and the values of righteousness, equality and fraternity is what the department intends to inculcate among its students through its teaching, scholarship, activities and services of the best caliber.
The department seeks to attract the best possible students from diverse geographical, professional, social, linguistic, ethnic and religious backgrounds and to enable them to their path of empowerment and progress.
The department strives to participate an contribute in wider community of English scholarship, research and pedagogy, literary and critical studies, creative writing, and in gender, ethnic and cultural studies. The department seeks to serve the larger interest of region in which it is located through collaborative projects and public event programming.
- Encouraging an original perspective on literature along with a well-rounded knowledge of it
- Encouraging critical and creative skills, ethical maturity and academic integrity
- Inculcating an interdisciplinary framework for teaching, learning and research
- Developing analytic thinking and sound oral and written communication skills
- Bridging the gulf between the classroom and society through academic activism
- Enhancement of the knowledge, skill and employability of the students and ensuring their eligibility to occupy positions of responsibility and leadership in the society at large.
- Training students in the application of literary tools to address fundamental questions in academics and in life.
- Encouraging harmonious interactions with people from diverse cultures as peers, mentors and leaders
- Collaborating with academic and other institutions to diversify the knowledge base and offer students a wide exposure
- Upgrading the curriculum to diversify skills and maximize students’ reach in the job market
Programmes Run by the Department
Two Year Post Graduate in English Literature
Four Year Under Graduate Programme in English (Honours/Honours with Research)
Online/Offline/Blended 30 Hrs Value Added Certificate Courses
- The Renaissance and the New Epistemology (Open for All)
- Introduction to Literature (For UG Sem 1 & 2 Students)
- Introduction to the History of English Literature (For UG Sem 3 & 4)
- Introduction to the History of English Language (For UG Sem 5 & 6)
- Introduction to Literary Theory & Criticism (Open for All)
- An Introductory Course of Contemporary Literary Theories (Open for All)
- Understanding Modernism & Post Modernism (Open for All)
- Understanding Structuralism, Post-Structuralism & Deconstruction (Open for All)
- Introduction to Gender Studies (Open for All)
- Introduction to Translation Studies (Open for All)
- Introduction to Cultural Studies (Open for All)
- Enhancement of Soft Skills and English for Communication (Open for All)
Career Opportunities
- Academician
- Scholar & Researcher
- Professor & Teacher
- Academic Administrator
- Journalist
- Creative Writer
- Freelance Writer
- Content Writer
- Copy Writer
- Script Writer
- Technical Writer
- Blogger
- Reviewer
- Editor/Copy Editor
- Translator & Interpreter
- Soft Skill Trainer
- Social Media Manager
- Tourism & Travel
- Public Relations & HR
- Corporate Houses
- Advertising
- Publication
- Public Service
- Law & Paralegal Services
- Educational Consultants
Important Timeline: | 1961 – PUC Courses 1963 – Degree Courses 2010 – English Honours 2022 – M.A. English |
Previous Head & teachers : | Prof. C. S. Prasad Prof. Mustajab Ali Khan Prof. Mohammad Masoom |
Previous Part Time Teachers | Syed Muzaffar Hussain Prof. Syed Anzarul Haque Dr. Shakibur Rahman Khan Ms. Sabiha Salim Dr. Wahida Tabassum Ms. Anjum Khan |
Present Faculty Members
Dr. Basudhara Roy
Prof. Ashok Kumar Dash
Prof. Saket Kumar
Routine of PG
Routine of UG
The Postgraduate Department of English is vibrant with educational and co-curricular activities throughout the session. It is dedicated to offer its students an inclusive and enriching experience in the study of English Literature. The department offers a wide range of activities which increases the efficiency of our students, gives them a platform to showcase their potential, and builds skills such as critical thinking, vividness and creativity. The diversity of events in literary and cultural works is like a door to new opportunities and enlightens their minds.
National and International Seminars and Conferences, Workshops, Guest Lectures, Student Seminars and various literary and cultural events and competitions are organised throughout the year that bring out the creative, participative and leadership skills of our students and give them a wider perspective of thought, creativity and life experiences.
A glimpse of its regular activities may be had here –
- Literologue is an annual lecture series instituted by the department with the idea of developing and promoting a dialogue on important areas and issues of literature. Well-known experts in the field of literature and culture are invited to talk to students and to listen to their ideas on various subjects.
- E-academy is an online lecture series initiated by the department during the Pandemic. It hopes to bring to students the many advantages of online learning by connecting them to scholars across the globe. Online lectures on a wide number of interdisciplinary subjects have been organized under this banner, each being a value-addition to our students’ learning.
- Writers Beyond Distance is an interaction series envisaged by the department with the particular hope of introducing its students to significant litterateurs and writing practices. Also initiated during the Pandemic, this has been an immensely successful venture with a large number of writers from various genres having accepted our invitation to interact online with our students.
- The Department has a forum known as KALA – KCC Arcadia of Literary Appreciation that organizes various programmes from time to time to keep students interested, engaged, and inspired in their pursuit of literature. An important task undertaken by KALA is the observance and celebration of significant literary days that include the birth and death anniversaries of important litterateurs, World Poetry Day, International Mother Language Day, International Translation Day etc. Documentary and film screenings, student presentations, and sessions of prose and poetry reading constitute an important part of these celebrations. Often skits, mimes, and one-act plays are also dramatized to suit the occasion.
- The regular academic activities of the Department include the organisation of Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Student Seminars. The Department has organised five national and one online international seminar so far.
- Alumnus Speaks is an annual interaction series organised by the department in which alumni members of the department are invited to speak to their juniors and to offer them perspectives on their learning journey in the institution and the prospects after completion of their degree.
- The Department also ventures to organize Alumni Meet-Ups from time to time with the intention of keeping in touch with its extended family of students. Our old students are encouraged to meet us anytime they are in the city and the idea is to ensure that they find in the college premises a warm home to return to.
- The students of the Department regularly bring out an online periodical called ‘Euphoria’ with the purpose to showcase and record their creative engagements with literature. The magazine has been expanding and growing with every successive issue and remains a chief source of the Department’s pride in its students.
- With an idea to inculcate, among the students, the feeling of universalism, cosmopolitanism, global citizenship and to empower them with the rich cultural heritages and legacies the department organises ‘Café Culturalis’, an online event, in collaboration with SPArC, the literary and cultural wing of the college.
- Programmes like Fresher’s Greeting and Farewell to Seniors remain an important part of the Department’s ethos as it helps cultivate affectionate and lasting bonds between seniors and juniors.
- Parent-Teacher Meetings also form an important feature of the department that helps to keep the dialogue alive between the three major stakeholders i.e. parents, teachers and students.
After the introduction of honours teaching in 2010 the department of has organized six national & international seminars and conference.
The first national seminar titled ‘Reverting the Gaze: Analysing the Portrayal of Male Characters in the Fiction of Indian Female Novelists’ was held on 30th and 31st March, 2011. It was sponsored by the UGC. The Keynote Speakers of the seminar was Dr. M. Rizwan Khan, Dept. of English, AMU Aligarh.
The second national seminar was also a sponsored by the UGC and it was held on 20th and 21st December, 2011. The participants deliberated on ‘Literature and the Subconscious: Dream and Memory as Narrative Structure an Indian Writing in English’. The Keynote address was delivered by Prof. A.R. Kidwai, Dept. of English, AMU Aligarh.
In 2015, on 2nd and 3rd April, the department organised its third UGC sponsored national seminar titled ‘Celebrating Charles Dickens: His Mind and Art’. The Keynote address was delivered by Prof. Anita Singh, Dept. of English, BHU while Dr. M. Rizwan Khan, Dept. of English, AMU Aligarh and Dr. Ain Tabish, Dept. of English, Mirza Ghalib College, Gaya were the plenary speakers.
In 2016, fourth UGC sponsored national seminar was organised on 26th to 28th November. Titled as ‘Remapping History and (Con)Textualising Literature: The Tragedy of Partition and the Fictional Narratives of Indian Subcontinent’ invited Prof. Harish C. Narang, Dept. of English, JNU as the Keynote Speaker and Dr. Vibha Sharma, Dept. of English, AMU as the plenary speaker.
The department conducted a Three – Day International Web Conference on 27th, 28th and 29th August 2020 during lockdowns of Covid 19. The conference was titled as ‘Translation and the Glocal: Texts, Identity, Politics and Cultural Survival’. The Keynote Speaker was noted linguist, writer, translator and academic Prof. Udaya Narayana Singh, New Delhi, India. The esteemed plenary speakers were noted writer, poet, translator and academic Aamer Hussein, London, England; Prof. Anisur Rahman, New Delhi India; Nizar Sartawi, Amman, Jordan; Prof. Harish Narang, New Delhi, India; Prof. M. Asaduddin, New Delhi, India; Kalpna Singh Chitnis, Los Angeles, USA; Prof. Jaydeep Sarangi, Kolkata, India and Dr. Hisham M. Nazer, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Supported by Khusro Foundation, New Delhi, department organised a national seminar in blended mode on ‘Sufi Literature and India’s Cultural Pluralism’ on 30th November and 1st December 2022. On day 1 of the seminar the Inaugural Lecture titled ‘The Chishti Sufi Literature and the Composite Culture of India’ was delivered online by Prof. Ain Tabish, Department of English, Mirza Ghalib College, Gaya. In the Keynote Address Session held in the college auditorium Prof. Akhtarul Wassey, Chairman, Khusro Foundation, New Delhi spoke on ‘Islam: An Introduction and the Sufi Message of Unity and Integration’ while noted author, editor and compiler from New Delhi, Mr. Farooq Argali spoke on ‘The Role of Sufis in Religious Pluralism’. On day 2 Prof. Raziuddin Aquil, Department of History, University of Delhi delivered the plenary lecture titled ‘Understanding Sufi Literature’.
Activities 2023-2024
Offline Activities
- On 23rd August 2023 the 4th issue of Euphoria, the online periodical of the Department was released.
- On 29th August 2023, the Department organised an event titled “Authors Fest – Romanticising August, A Revisit to Romanticism” was organised in which Percy Bysshe Shelly, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Mary Shelly, Sir Aurobindo were remembered.
- On 15th October 2023, the Department “Solara” the freshers’ party for the new comers.
- On 4th November 2023, the Department hosted “Bon Voyage”, a farewell event for the outgoing students.
- On 9th December 2023, the Department conducted “A Slash of Blue” to celebrate 193rd birthday of Emily Dickinson.
- On 16th December 2023, the Department organised its annual lecture “Literologue” in which Dr. Sanjai Yadav, Head, PG Department of English, Jamshedpur Cooperative College delivered a lecture on the birth anniversary of Jane Austen.
- On 5th January, 2024 the Department conducted a Parents Teachers Meeting of the students of UG Semester 1.
- On 23rd April observed Shakespeare Day. An event titled ‘Shakespearean Soiree’ was organised in collaboration with SPArC in which the students acted on two scenes from Macbeth and Merchant of Venice.
- On 28th June 2024 the Department organised a Student Seminar of its postgraduate students.
Online Activities
- On 23rd September 2023, the Department under its banner Writers Beyond Distance organised a lecture delivered by Prof. Nandini Sahu, writer, folklorist and professor of English titled “Remembering Jayant Mahapatra”.
- On 5th October 2023, the Department in collaboration with IQAC organised an online lecture titled ‘Mahatma Gandhi and the Idea of India’. The key speaker of the event was Tushar Arun Gandhi, the great grandson of the Mahatma.
- On 13th January 2024, the Department in collaboration with SPArC, organised Café Culturalis in which an online lecture titled “Rumi, the Silk Route and Indian Subcontinent” was delivered by Prof. Akhlaq Ahan, Chairperson, Centre of Persian and Central Asian Studies, JNU.
- On 27th January 2024, the Department under its banner ‘e- cademy’ hosted an online lecture titled “From Ideas to Impact: Mastering the Art of Dissertation Research” by Dr. Raeesbegam Usmani, Assistant Professor, NMIMS University, Hyderabad.
- On 21st February 2024, International Mother Language Day was observed by the Department in collaboration with SPArC. Dr. Sunij Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of English, AMU and Tabassum Tahmina Shagufta Hussein, Adjunct Faculty, South-East University, Dhaka, Bangladesh presented their views and interacted with the students.
- On 3rd March 2024, the Department under its banner Writers Beyond Distance organised an online lecture delivered by acclaimed novelist and author Abdullah Khan who deliberated on his books and writings under the title ‘Whispers from the Bihari Hinterlands in the Stories of a Writer from Bihar’.
- On 21st March 2024, the Department observed World Poetry Day through its online event “Verse Universe”. Anju Kapoor from Manama, Bahrain, Mallika Bhaumik from Kolkata, Ammar Aziz from Lahore, Pakistan, Sufia Khatoon from Kolkata, Khurshid Wani from Kashmir and Basudhara Roy from Karim City College participated in the event.
- On 7th April 2024, the Department under its banner ‘e-cademy’ organised an online lecture delivered by Kirity Y. Nakhare, Associate Professor in English, Department of Business Communication, S. I. W. S. College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai on “Perspectives on the Subaltern”.
- The Department organised a 30 Hour Online Value-Added Certificate Course titled ‘Introduction to Literature’ from 3rd June 2024 to 20 June 2024 for its UG Sem 2 & 3 students.
- On 15th June 2024, the Department invited noted writer, translator, literary historian and cultural activist Rakhshanda Jalil in its regular online event ‘Writers Beyond Distance’. She spoke on the topic ‘From Text to Context’.
- The Promethean Bard
A Celebration of the 230th Birth Anniversary of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Held on – 4th August 2022
Venue – E-classroom 2
- Writers Beyond Distance, (17th)
Writer-Speaker – Ines Abassi, Tunisia
Topic – The Road Starts with a Word
Held on – 20th August 2022
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance, (18th)
Writer-Speaker – Sucharita Dutta-Asane
Topic – Voices and Silences
Held on – 17th September 2022
Mode – Online
- Trans Verse
a translation competition to mark International Translation Day
Held on – 29th September 2022
Venue – Room 15
- International Translation Day Lecture
In collaboration with SPArC
Speaker – Prof. M. Rizwan Khan, AMU, Aligarh
Topic – Culture and Politics of Translation
Held on – 30th September 2022
Mode – Online
- Au Revoir – A Farewell Function for UG Sem 6 Students
Held on – 30th September 2022
Venue – College Auditorium
- Cafe Culturalis, online lecture on Art, Literarure & Culture
In Collaboration with SPArC
Speaker – Nadim Asrar, Al Jazeera Online
Topic – Traversing Literature and Media in India
Held on – 8th October, 2022
- National Seminar on Sufi Literature and India’s Cultural Pluralism
In Collaboration with Khusro Foundation, New Delhi
Held on – 30th November and 1st December 2022
Mode: Blended
Day I
Inaugural Lecture by – Prof. Ain Tabish, Mirza Ghalib College, Gaya
Topic – The Chishti Sufi Literature and the Composite Culture of India
Mode – Online
Keynote Address Session
Keynote Lecture by – Prof. Akhtarul Wassey, New Delhi
Topic – Islam: An Introduction and the Sufi Message of Unity and Integration
Special Lecture by – Mr. Farooq Argali, New Delhi
Topic – The Role of Sufis in Religious Pluralism
Venue – College Auditorium
Day 2
Plenary Lecture by – Prof. Raziuddin Aquil, Delhi University
Topic – Understanding Sufi Literature
Technical Session 1 – Chaired by Dr. Huma Yaqub, MANUU, Lucknow Campus
Mode – Online
Technical Session 2 – Chaired by Dr. Afrinul Haque Khan, Nirmala College, Ranchi
Mode – Online
Technical Session 3 – Chaired by Dr. Ashraf Bihari, Karim City College
Mode – Offline
- Trinket of Life, Celebrating Emily Dickinson on her 192nd Birthday
Held on – 10th December 2022
Venue – E-classroom 2
- E-cademy, (24th)
Speaker – Prof. Gourhari Behera, DDU Gorakhpur University
Topic – Literature and Intermediality
Held on – 8th January 2023
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance, (19th)
Writer-Speaker – Asfiya Rahman,
Topic – The Joy of Words
Held on – 25th February 2023
Mode: Online
- E-cademy, (25th)
Speaker – Dr. Saptaparna Roy, Kolkata
Topic – Historicising Onomastics in a Bengali Dalit Woman’s Life Narrative
Held on – 25th March 2023
Mode – Online
- Zenith 2.0, an Interactive Session with Freshers
Held on – 25th May 2023
Venue – College Auditorium
- Writers Beyond Distance (14th)
Writer-Speaker – Shadab Zeest Hashmi, California, USA
Topic – Song of Many Combs and a Single Mirror
Held on – 15th July 2021
Mode: Online
- E-cademy (20th)
Speaker – Richie Sophie Srishti, Christ University, Pune
Topic – Emerging Areas in English Language and Literature
Held on – 28th August 2021
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (15th)
Writer-Speaker – Saeed Ibrahim, Bangalore
Topic – Glimpse from a Past Era and Their Relevance Today
Held on – 15th September 2021
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (21st)
Speaker – Dr. Vijay Sharma, Loyola College of Education, Jamshedpur
Topic – Diaspora Laments: Abdulrazak Gurnah
Held on – 25th October 2021
Mode – Online
- Induction Programme of UG Sem 1 Students
Held on – 17th November 2021
Venue – College Auditorium
- Writers Beyond Distance (16th)
Writer-Speaker -Sakoon Singh, Punjab
Topic: In the Land of Lovers
Held on – 26th November 2021
Mode – Online
- Alumnus Speaks, making your seniors your mentors
Speakers – Eram Sidiqui, Subham Tanmay, Sarita Kumari
Held on – 30th November 2021
Mode – College Auditorium
- Online Talk Jointly Organised with SPArC
Speaker – Kala Ramesh, a Pushcart nominated poet, Pune
Topic – The Forest I know
Held on – 5th Dec 2021
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (22nd)
Speaker – Dr Rajiv S. Dayal, Kolhan University, Chaibasa
Topic – The Meaning of Meaninglessness in The (Not So) Theatre of Absurd
Held on 28th December 2021
Mode – Online
- Under Orion: Legacy of Fifty-one Years and Counting
Sanjukta Dasgupta in conversation with Keki N. Daruwalla
on his 85th birthday and 51 years of his book Under Orion
Held on – 23rd January 2022
Mode – Online
- Collaborative Event with The Prakriti Foundation, Chennai
Poetry with Prakriti
Guest Poet – Erik Lindner
Held on – 29th Jan 2022
Mode – Online
- Collaborative Event with The Prakriti Foundation, Chennai
Poetry with Prakriti
Guest Poet – Garu T Ladakhi
Held on – 12th Feb 2022
Mode – Online
- International Mother Language Day
A collaborative event with SPArC
Speaker – Tabassum Tahmina Shagufta Hussein
Topic – Language: Evolution, Progression and Challenges in a Technology Driven World
Held on – 21st February 2022
Mode – Online
- Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) with the parents of UG Sem 1
Held on – 26th Feb 2022
Venue – College Auditorium
- Literologue, 9th Annual Lecture
Guest Speaker – Jaydeep Sarangi, Kolkata
Topic – The Excellence of Every Art is its Intensity: Reading John Keats Today
Held on – 5th March 2022
Venue – College Auditorium
- Verse Universe: World Poetry Day 2022
Held on – 21st March 2022
Participating Poets – Waqas Khwaja (USA), Nizar Sartawi (Jordan), Shadab Zeest Hashmi (USA), Deema Shehabi (USA), Mawar Marzuki (Malaysia), Shagufta Hussein (Bangladesh) & Basudhara Roy (Karim City College)
Mode – Online
- Collaborative Event with The Prakriti Foundation, Chennai
Poetry with Prakriti
Guest Poet – Emisenla Jamir
Held on – 26th March 2022
Mode – Online
- Student Seminar for the Students of UG Sem 3
Held on – 21st and 22nd April 2022
Venue – Room 15
- Writing Poetry, Writing Memories: An Act of Treachery!
A lecture by Ashwini Kumar, noted poet and academic, TISS, Mumbai
Held on – 17th May 2022
Venue – College Auditorium
- E-cademy (23rd)
Speaker – Mohar Daschaudhari, University of Kolkata
Topic: Post Structuralism in Art and Literature
Held on – 19th May
Mode – Online
- 200 Years of Urdu Journalism
A joint online event with Department of Urdu
Held on 19th – 21st June 2022
Key Speakers – Prof. Safdar Imam Quadri (Patna), Prof. Shafey Kidwai (AMU) & Dr. Asad Faisal Farooqui (AMU)
- Writers Beyond Distance (6th)
Writer-Speaker: Mehru Jaffar & Actor Farrukh Jafar, Lucknow
Topic – India’s Composite Culture & Lucknow
Held on – 1st July 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (12th)
Speaker – Dr. Dhriti Ray Dalai, BHU, Varanasi
Topic – Disability Studies: An Introduction
Held on – 6th July 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (7th)
Writer-Speaker – Jose Varghese, Al Jazan University, Saudi Arabia
Topic – Trauma and Collective Suffering in 21st Century Narrative Poetry
Held on – 10th July 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (13th)
Speaker – Sreetanwi Chakraborty, Amity University, Kolkata
Topic -Closures, Crisis and Existential Uncertainty in Indian English Plays
Held on – 13th July 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (8th)
Writer-Speaker: Waqas Khwaja, USA
Topic – The Return of the Repressed
Held on – 15th July 2020
Mode – Online
- Poetry Reading Session on The World Day for International Justice
Topic – Making Heard: Poetry, Protest, and Social Justice
Held on – 17th July 2020
Guest Poets – Sanjukta Dasgupta, Sukrita Paul Kumar, Jaydeep Sarangi, Ashwini Kumar, Nabina Das, Ranu Unyal, Saima Afreen
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (9th)
Writer-Speaker – Keki N. Daruwalla
Topic – A Life in Poetry
Held on – 20th July 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (14th)
Speaker – Sabiha Saleem, Umm Al Qurra University, Saudi Arabia
Topic – Brecht and Epic Theatre: The Verfremdungseffekt
Held on – 29th July 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (15th)
Speaker -Dr. S.M. Rizwan Ahmad, Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh
Topic – COVID-19 Pandemic: Realism and Existentialism in Modern English Drama
Held on – 4th August 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (10th)
Writer-Speaker – Zama Habib, Theatre Activist, Screen Writer, TV Producer & Director
Topic – Theatre, Television, and Literature
Held on – 5th August 2020
Mode – Online
- Series on Flash Fiction (1st)
Flash Forward: International Responses to Flash Fiction
In Collaboration with Strands Publishers, Trivandrum, and Lakeview Journal
Flash Fiction Readings by – Brindley Hallam Denis (England), Neil Campbell (England), Michelle Christophorou (England), Jose Varghese (Saudi Arabia), Elaine Barnard (USA) and Susmita Bhattacharya (England).
Held on – 8th August 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (11th)
Writer-Speaker – Najma Yusufi, England
Topic – Hybridity in South East Asian Literature
Held on – 10th August 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (16th)
Speaker – Prof. Harish Narang, Retd. Professor, JNU, New Delhi
Topic – Sadat Hasan Manto: The precious Prince of Urdu Literature.
Held on – 16th August 2020
Mode – Online
- Series on Flash Fiction (2nd)
India in Flashes: Writers of Indian Origin on Flash Fiction
In Collaboration with Strands Publishers, Trivandrum, and Lakeview Journal
Talk on Flash Fiction and Readings by – Abha Iyengar (India), Damyanti Biswas (Singapore), Murali Kamma (USA), Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar (USA) and Jose Varghese (Saudi Arabia)
Held on – 18th August 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (12th)
Writer-Speaker – Kalpana Singh Chitnis, USA
Topic – On The Bridge
Held on – 20th August 2020
Mode – Online
- Postcolonialism Today: Bill Ashcroft in conversation with Jaydeep Sarangi
In Collaboration with The Department of English, New Alipore College, Kolkata
Held on – 25th August 2020
Mode – Online
- Three Day International Web Conference on 27, 28 & 29 August 2020
Topic – Translation and the Global: Texts, Identity, Cultural Survival
Day 1 – 27th August 2020
Key Note Address – Prof. Udaya Narayana Singh, New Delhi
Topic – The Original Reborn: Doesn’t Translation Take Us Beyond Language?
Plenary Lecture – Nizar Sartawi, Jordan
Topic – Trudging Up the Path of Poetry; Translation: An Eclectic Approach
Technical Session 1 – Chaired by Dr. Sriparna Das, CALTS, University of Hyderabad
Technical Session 2 – Chaired by Dr. Huma Yaqub, MANUU, Lucknow Campus
Day 2 – 28th August 2020
Special Lecture – Prof. Harish Narang, New Delhi
Topic – Translating Icebergs: Why do I Translate? How do I Translate?
Plenary Lecture – Kalpana Singh Chitnis, USA
Topic – Translation: The Reincarnation of Literature
Plenary Lecture – Prof. Jaydeep Sarangi, Kolkata
Topic – Fuzzy Art of Transmission: Texts, Contexts and Readers
Plenary Lecture – Prof. M. Asaduddin, New Delhi
Topic – Translation and World Literature: Some Key Moments
Technical Session 3 – Chaired by Dr. S. K. Sinha, Jamshedpur
Technical Session 4 – Dr. Nazish Khan, Govt. PG College, Almora
Day 3 – 29th August 2020
Special Lecture – Hisham M. Nazer, Bangladesh
Topic – Rewriting the Language and the Literary: The Methods and Motives of Translation
Plenary Lecture – Prof. Anisur Rahman, New Delhi
Topic – On Translating Ghalib
Technical Session 5 – Chaired by Dr. Vijay Sharma, Jamshedpur
Valedictory Lecture – Aamer Hussein, London, England
Topic – Between Languages: Translation, Transcreation, Transitions
- Teachers’ Day
Presented by the Students of the department
Poetry reading, short speeches and musical presentations
Held – On 5th September
Mode – Online
- Lecture on The World is My Village: Remembering Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
Speakers: Ali Javed and Zoya Zaidi
Held on – 1st November 2020
Mode – Online
- Online Symposium ‘Shakespearean Memories in Sri Aurobindo’
Held on – 25th November 2020
Key Speakers – Prof. Goutam Ghosal, Viswa Bharati; Shanti Niketan & Mr. Shubham Dutta
Mode – Online
- Departmental Induction Programme of UG Sem 1
Held on – 3rd December
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (17th)
Speaker: Amit Rahul Baishya, University of Oklahoma, USA
Topic: A Foothold in the Sheer Wall of The Future: Species Extinction and Making Kin in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
Held on – 17th December 2020
Mode – Online
- Induction Programme for Parents (PTM)
Held on – 5th January 2021
Venue – College Auditorium
- Writers Beyond Distance (13th)
Writer-Speaker – Deema Shehabi, USA
Topic – Palestinian Poetry in Diaspora: A Reading and Discussion.
Held on – 16th January 2021
Mode – Online
- Student Seminar for the Students of UG Sem 3
Held on – 24th January 2021
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (18th)
Speaker – Prof. S. Z. H. Abidi, Lucknow University
Topic – Models of Orientalism
Held on – 13th February 2021
Mode – Online
- Celebrating Sahir’s Birth Centenary; Lecture on Sahir Ludhianwi
Key Speaker – Prof. Gurupdesh Singh, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
Topic – Sahir: A Poet of Divided Sensibilities
Held on – 15th March 2021
Venue – Auditorium
Mode – Online
- Alumnus Speaks, making your seniors your mentors
Speakers – Shreesti Kumari & Jashama Afroz
Held on – 19th March 2021
Venue – Room 15
- Freshers’ Party
Held on – 31st March 2021
Venue – College Auditorium
- Thirty Hours Online Value-Added Certificate Course
on ‘The Renaissance and the New Epistemology
Held from 24thMay to 10thJune 2021
Timing – 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm (2 Hrs Daily)
Participants – 100 Internal & External Students
Topics & Speakers
- The Renaissance: Historical Arrival
Prof. Pushpinder Syal, Punjab University, Chandigarh
- The Revival of Learning and What it Entailed
Prof. Asim Siddiqui, AMU, Aligarh
- Renaissance and Literature
Dr. Sana Fatima, Ex Senior Research Fellow, ICSSR, IIM, Kashipur
- Renaissance Poetry
Dr. Huma Yaqub, MANUU, Lucknow Campus
- Renaissance Prose
Dr. Siddartha Biswas, University of Calcutta
- Renaissance Drama
Dr. Naresh Kumar, Kolhan University, Chaibasa
- Renaissance and Art
Prof. Nandini Sahu, IGNOU, New Delhi
- Renaissance and Geography
Prof. S. Naushad Ahmad, AMU, Aligarh
- Renaissance and Physical Sciences
Dr. Manoj, Arka Jain University, Jamshedpur
- Renaissance and Humanism
Dr. Sunij Kumar Sharma, AMU, Aligarh
- Renaissance and Reformation
Ms. Kalyanee Rajan, University of Delhi
- Renaissance and the Occidental Gaze
Dr. Dhurrjati Sarma, Guahati University, Assam
- Renaissance and its Discontents
Prof. Goutam Ghosal, Viswa Bharati-Santiniketan
- Renaissance and the Orient
Prof. A. R. Kidwai, AMU, Aligarh
- Renaissance in India
Ms. Sreetanwi Chakraborty, Amity University, Kolkata
- E-cademy (19th)
Speaker – Deepshikha Behera, EFLU, Hyderabad
Topic – (Re)telling Histories, (Re)imagining Identities: The Miya Poets of Assam
Held on – 19th June 2021
Mode – Online
- Literologue, 7th Annual Lecture
By – Dr. S. K. Sinha, Ex-Dean, Humanities & Head Dept. of English, Kolhan University
Held on – 10th July, 2019
Venue – Room 22
- Departmental Induction Programme
Held on – 4th August, 2019
Venue – College Auditorium
Target Participant – Newly admitted Students of UG Sem 1
- Teachers’ Day
Held on – 5th September, 2019
Venue – Room 15
- Freshers’ Party
Held on – 16th September, 2019
Venue – College Auditorium
- Induction Programme for Parents (PTM)
Held on – 13th October, 2019
Venue – College Auditorium
Target Participants – Parents of newly admitted UG Semester 1 Students
- Farewell Function
Held on – 3rd December, 2019
Venue – College Auditorium
- 10th Annual Student Seminar
Held on – 18th December, 2019
Venue – College Auditorium
- Mid-Sem Test
Held in – 3rd week of December, 2019
- Student Seminar for UG Sem 5
Held on – 28th January, 2020
Venue – Room 15
- Film Screening
Samual Beckett’s Waiting for Godot & Endgame
Held on – 2nd February, 2020
Venue – E-Class Room 2
Target Participant – Students of UG Sem 5
- The Iconoclast’s Stage: A Tribute to Girish Karnad
Held on – 20th February, 2020
Also screening of his play Tughlaq
Venue – E-Classroom 2
- Literologue, 8th Annual Lecture
Lecture on Marxism: An Introduction
By – Dr. Goutam Karmakar, Barabazar Bikram Tudu Memorial College, West Bengal
Mode – Online (First Online Lecture of the Department)
Held on – 2nd May 2020
- 159th Birth Anniversary of Tagore
Online Story Reading Session
Held on – 7th May, 2020
- E-cademy (1st)
Speaker – Prof. Shabina Nishat Omar, Milli Al-Ameen College, Kolkata
Topic – Gender and Autobiography: A Feminist Perspective
Held on – 12th May, 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (2nd)
Held on – 13th May, 2020
Speaker – Dr. Md. Jakir Hussain, Chitta Mahato Memorial College, Purulia, West Bengal
Topic – Gandian Influence on Indian Fiction in English in the Pre – Independence Era.
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (3rd)
Held on – 19th May, 2020
Speaker – Dr. Huma Yaqub, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Lucknow Campus
Topic – Contemplating Environment Issues Through Literature: An Ecocritical Approach.
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (4th)
Held on – 20th May, 2020
Speaker – Dr. Sana Fatima Arshad, COEPPG, IIM, Kashipur
Topic – Jane Austen’s Artistry and Appeal: History and Contemporaneity
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (5th)
Held on – 21st May, 2020
Speaker – Dr. Piyushbala, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi
Topic – T. S. Eliot: The Critical Idiom
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (1st)
Writer-Speaker – Prof. Tabish Khair, Aarhus University, Denmark
Topic – Literary Theory and Fiction: Addressing the Dichotomy
Held on – 27th May 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (2nd)
Writer-Speaker – Shauna Singh Baldwin, Montreal, Quebeck, Canada
Topic – In the World: Books, Places & Me
Held on – 29th May 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (6th)
Speaker – Dr. Fayyaz Ahmad Ilkal, Rani Channamma University, PG Centre, Torvi,
Vijayapur, Karnataka
Topic – The American Dream in Literature: Changing Times, Changing Minds
Held on – 3rd June, 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (7th)
Speaker – Dr. Sadaf Fareed, Women’s College, AMU, Aligarh
Topic – Diaspora and Writing Women (South Asia in Canada)
Held on – 4th June, 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (8th)
Speaker – Dr. Nazish Khan, Govt. PG College, Dwarahat, Almora, Uttarakhand
Topic – The Theatre of Absurd and After
Held on – 5th June, 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (9th)
Speaker – Dr. Sunij Sharma , AMU, Aligarh
Topic – Understanding the Art of Narration from Literature to Cinema
Held on – 7th June, 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (3rd)
Writer-Speaker – Githa Hariharan, New Delhi
Topic – So: I Have Become the Tide
Held on – 15th June, 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (4th)
Writer-Speaker – Kavita Ezekiel Mendonca, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Topic – Authenticity and Simplicity in the Writing of Poetry
Held on – 17th June, 2020
Mode – Online
- Writers Beyond Distance (5th)
Writer-Speaker – Dr. Nandini Sahu, IGNOU, New Delhi
Topic – Witnessing Literature through a Poet’s Eye
Held on – 20th June, 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (10th)
Speaker – Prof. Anita Singh, BHU, Varanasi
Topic – Performance, Politics and the Pandemic
Held on – 23rd June, 2020
Mode – Online
- E-cademy (11th)
Speaker – Dr. Raeesa B Usmani, Assistant Professor (Ad-hoc), Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, Surat, Gujrat
Topic – Travel Writings: Fictitiously Factual or Factually Fictitious
Held on – 28th June, 2020
Mode – Online
Activities 2018-2019:
- Departmental Induction
Held on – 26th August 2018
Target Participant – Newly admitted UG Semester 1 students
Venue – College Auditorium
- Freshers Party
Held on – 24th September 2018
Venue – College Auditorium
- Induction Programme for Parents (PTM)
Held on – 8th October 2018
Venue – College Auditorium
Target Participants – Parents of newly admitted students of UG Sem 1
- Poster Competition
Held on – 9th December 2018
Target Participants – Students of UG Semester 1
Venue – E2 Classroom
- Mid-Sem Exam
Held on – First and Second Week of December 2018
- No Coward Soul is Mine: A Tribute to Emily Bronte
Held on – 22nd December 2018
Venue – College Auditorium
- Student Seminar
Held on – 10th January 2019
Target Participant – Students of UG Semester 3
Venue – College Auditorium
- Adios Amigos: Farewell Function
Held on – 7th March 2019
Venue – College Auditorium
- Abhishek Bhakat of PG Sem 1 was awarded for excellent contribution in Van Mahotsava programme organised by NSS Unit of Ghatsila College, Ghatsila from 1st July to 31st July 2023.
- Heena Kousher of PG Sem 1 had qualified for CTET in August 2023.
- Abhishek Bhakat of PG Sem 1 was awarded as Active Volunteer by NSS Unit of Ghatsila College, Ghatsila On 12th August, 2023.
- Adrija Mullick of UG Semester 2 had won 2nd position in Semi-Classical Dance Category held on 10th September 2023 during Satrang 13th organised by SPArC.
- Sujata Bhadra of UG Semester 1, won the prize of Classical Singing held on 12th September, 2023 during Satrang 13th, the annual literary and cultural week organised by SPArC.
- Kanai Lal Murmu of UG Semester 4 attended Inter Group Banner Competition Camp at Barauni organised by NCC from 15th to 24th September 2023.
- Bishakha Kumari of PG Semester 2 had been awarded Corona Warrior Honour for outstanding dedication and service during COVID period by NSS on 24th September, 2023.
- Kundan Das of UG Semester 4 attended Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Camp, Berhampur, Odisha organised by NCC from 10th to 21st October 2023 and won 1st prize in Debate Competition there.
- Heena Kousher of PG Sem 1 is working as a Public Speaking Expert in Planet Spark From 28th October, 2023.
- Maheswar Das of UG Semester 2 was runner up in a cricket match held on 30th November, 2023 in XPLORE-X.
- Ashka Kumari of UG Semester 4 secured 1st position in Folk Dance (Group) in National Youth Festival District Level Selection organised by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Ranchi, Jharkhand on 1st December 2023.
- Sneha Mandal of UG Semester 4 secured 1st position in the Digital Poster Competition themed Human Rights on the occasion of World Human Rights Day 6th December, 2023 organised by the Department of Political Science.
- Ashka Kumari of UG Semester 4 participated in State Level Dance Competition organised by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Ranchi, Jharkhand on 8th & 9th December, 2023.
- Kanai Lal Murmu of UG Semester 4 attended preparatory camps Pre RDC 1, Pre RDC 2 & Pre RDC 3 by NCC at Barauni from 26th October to 14th December, 2023.
- Rishabh Raj Bhardwaj of UG Semester 6 secured 2nd position in the Digital Poster Designing Competition organised by Women’s Cell.
- Sneha Mandal of UG Semester 6 secured 2nd position in the Digital Poster Designing Competition organised by Women’s Cell.
- Mantasha Anwar of Semester 4 was selected amongst top 200 Linkedin creators in India for Likendin’s Official Creator Acceleration Program.
- Sanskriti of UG Semester 6 secured 2nd position in Scrap Craft Competition organised by Women’s Cell on International Women’s Day.
- Sania Akhtar of UG Semester 1 secured the 1st prize in Kabaddi at Karim City College in 2023.
- Sania Akhtar of UG Semester 1, won the first prize in Drill at NCC in 2023.
- Sneha Mandal of Semester 4 secured 1st position in Poster Designing Competition during Communal Harmony, 2023 organised by NSS.
- Sania Akhtar, a student of UG Semester 1, was the winner of the dance competition at Karim City College in 2023.
- Sania Akhtar, a student of UG Semester 1, was the runner-up in the obstacle competition at Karim City College in 2023
- Rohit Kumar Kar of UG Semester 4 attended National Integration Camp, Rajnandgaon, Chattisgarh by NSS from 2nd January to 8th January, 2024.
- Abhinav Sharma of UG Semester 4 secured 2nd position in Enigma – An Annual Quiz Competition by SPArC on 16th January, 2024.
- Kanai Lal Murmu of UG Semester 4 attended the Special National Integration Camp, New Delhi by NCC from 17th January to 28th January, 2024 and participated in the Prime Minister’s Rally – 2024.
- Bishakha Kumari of PG Department Semester 3 had secured 2nd position in Debate Competition in English Category of the Founder’s Day Debate organised by Karim’s Trust on 21st January, 2024.
- Anandita Maity of PG Semester 3 had secured 2nd position in Debate Competition in English Category of the Founder’s Day Debate organised by Karim’s Trust on 21st January, 2024.
- Kashish Firoz from UG Semester 1 secured the second position in the English category of Qalamkaar, a creative writing competition organised by SPARC on 5th February, 2024.
- Nargis Bano of PG Semester 3 had secured 1st position in the Urdu Category of Qalamkar – A Creative Writing Competition organised by SPArC on 5th February, 2024.
- Anam Rizwan of PG Department Semester 3 secured 2nd position in We … the Poets, a self-composed poetry Competition organised by SPArC on 22nd February, 2024.
- Shiuli Palit of UG Semester 5 secured 1st position in We…The Poets, a self-composed Poetry Competition organised by SPArC on 22nd February, 2024.
- Nargis Bano of PG Semester 3 had secured 1st position in Essay Competition in Urdu Category organised by Women’s Cell on 7th March, 2024.
- Bishakha Kumari of PG Semester 3 had secured 2nd position in Essay Competition in Urdu Category organised by Women’s Cell on 7th March, 2024.
- Sudeepta Mitra of PG Sem 4 secured 2nd position in the Singing Competition in the solo category of the Kala Karnival, a youth fest, which was organised on 11th and 12th March, 2024.
- Sudeepta Mitra of PG Sem 4 secured 1st position in the Singing Competition in the duet category of the Kala Karnival, a youth fest, which was organised on 11th and 12th March, 2024.
- Sujata Bhadra from UG Semester 1 secured 1st position in the Singing Competition in the solo category of the Kala Karnival, a youth fest, which was organised on 11th and 12th March, 2024.
- Adrija Mullick of UG Semester 2 has won 2nd position in Dance Category during Kala Karnival, a youth fest organised on 11th and 12th March, 2024.
- Adrija Mullick of UG Semester 2 has won 1st position in Poetry Category during Kala Karnival, a youth fest organised on 11th and 12th March, 2024.
- Sakshi Yadav of UG Semester 2 has won 2nd position in Poetry Category during Kala Karnival, a youth fest organised on 11th and 12th March, 2024.
- Sourav Choudhry of UG Semester 2 has won 1st position in Singing Category during Kala Karnival, a youth fest organised on 11th and 12th March, 2024.
- Sania Akhtar, a student of UG Semester 1, was the runner-up in Drill at NCC in 2024.
- Bishakha Kumari of the PG Sem 1 has secured 1st position in the Qalamkaar – A creative writing competition organized by SPArC on 12.12.22.
- Bishakha Kumari of the PG Sem 1 has won Miss Face of The Day organized by SPArC and was also awarded as the “Best Volunteer” of the year 2021-22 in NSS and was awarded for her extraordinary contribution in Women Cell in 2021-22.
- Rajesh Tudu, a student of UG Semester VI has been selected for a P.G Diploma course at Film & Television Institute (FTI) Pune.
- Bishakha Kumari of PG Sem 1 has secured 2nd prize in an essay competition organized by Women’s Cell.
- Smriti Dey of UG Semester VI has been selected as Literary Secretary of SPArC (2022-23).
- Priyanka Das of UG Semester VI has been selected as Moderator of Literary Club and Joint Editor Sparkling Span of SPArC (2022-23).
- Priyangshu Dash of UG Sem 6 was selected as Moderator of Digital Desk of SPArC (2022-23).
- Shazia Hashmi of UG Sem 6 was selected as Moderator of Book Club of SPArC (2022-23).
- Ankit Dubey of UG Sem 6 was selected as member of Sparkling Span (2022-23).
- Prerna Pandey of UG Sem 6 was selected as member of Music Club of SPArC (2022-23).
- Masoom Paul of UG Sem 6 was selected as member of Drama Club of SPArC (2022-23).
- Raghubir Tudu of UG Sem 6 was selected as Logistics Secretary of SPArC (2022-23).
- Sunidhi Panda of UG Sem 6 was selected as member of Fine Art Club of SPArC (2022-23).
- Arzoo Naz of UG Semester VI has secured 3rd position in Shabd Alankar (Poetry Competition) held on 14.09.22 at Rambha College of Education, Jamshedpur.
- Priyangshu Dash of UG Semester 6 has secured 2nd in the Rap Competition in Xplore 9.0organized by Netaji Subhas University, Jamshedpur on 25.11.22.
- Arzoo Naz of UG Semester 6 has won 1st prize in ‘We…the Poets’ – A Self-Composed (Poetry Competition) organized by SPArC on 15.12.22.
- Prerna Pandey of UG Semester 6 has won 1st prize in Hollywood Category in Battle Symphony organized by SPArC on 24.01.23.
- Raghubir Tudu of UG Semester 6 has secured 3rd in Trans-Verse organized by the Department of English on 30.09.22.
- Ankita Kumari of UG Semester 6 has secured 2nd in Trans-Verse organized by the Department of English on 30.09.22.
- Priyangshu Dash of UG Semester 6 has won 1st prize in Rap Category in Battle Symphony organised by SPArC on 24.01.23
- Raghubir Tudu of UG Semester 6 has secured 1st in Cooking without Fire organised by Women’s Cell on 15.03.23
- Sarnendu Mahapatra of UG Semester 6 has secured 1st position in Solo Category of Singing Competition in Communal Harmony Week (17th to 23rd of May, 2023) organized by the NSS.
- Sarnendu Mahapatra of UG Semester 6 has secured 1st position in the Duo Category of Singing Competition in Communal Harmony Week (17th to 23rd of May, 2023) organized by the NSS.
- Raghubir Tudu of UG Semester 6 has won 1st prize in the Poster Making Competition in Communal Harmony Week (17th to 23rd of May, 2023) organized by the NSS.
- Raghubir Tudu of UG Semester 6 has secured 1st position in the Digital Poster Competition organized by the Women Cell on 25.05.23.
- Shiuli Palit of UG Semester 4 has secured 2nd position in the English category of “We… The Poets”, a poetry competition organized by SPArC on 15.12.22.
- Sahdev Mahato of UG Semester 4 has won 1st prize in the category of Hindi poetry in “We…. The Poets”, organized by SPArC on 15.12.22.
- Kanai Lal Murmu of UG Semester 4 has secured 1st prize in Trans-Verse(English translation) organised by the Department of English on 30.09.22.
- Kundan of UG Semester 4 has secured 2nd position in the drill competition (N.C.C.) in the event UDGOSH.
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 2nd in the Samaaram 6.0 organised by IIM Vishakhapatnam on 26th to 27th Feb 2022.
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 1st in the Act attack-Drama Competition organized by Imperium on 20.02.22
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 1st in the Skit Competition organised by IIM Sambalpur team for “Nityamanch”.
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 2nd in the Skit Act in Xplore 9.0 organised by Netaji Subhas University, Jamshedpur on 25.11.22
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 1st in the Mine Act in Xplore 9.0 organised by Netaji Subhas University, Jamshedpur on 25.11.22
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 1st in the “Adakari” in SATRANG 12th organised by SPArC on 18.07.22
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 1st in “District level yuvautsav”organised by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan on 14.03.23
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has secured 1st in Cooking without Fire organised by Women’s Cell on 15.03.23.
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has won 2nd prize in the Group Dance in Communal Harmony Week (17th to 23rd of May, 2023) organized by the NSS.
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has won 1st prize in the Traditional Walk in Communal Harmony Week (17th to 23rd of May, 2023) organized by the NSS.
- Masoom Paul of UG Semester 4 has won 2nd prize in the Solo Dance in Communal Harmony Week (17th to 23rd of May, 2023) organized by the NSS.
- Basudev Shee of UG Semester 2 has secured 3rd position in the district-level Mobile Photography Competition organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathanon 14.03.23.
- Adrija Mallick of UG Semester 2 has secured 2nd position in Western category of Battle Symphony organized by SPArC on 24.01.23
- Adrija Mullick of UG Semester 2 has secured 2nd position in the Hollywood category of Battle Symphony organized by SPArC on 24.01.23
- Sourav Choudhary of UG Semester 2 has secured 1st position in “Qalamkaar” – A creative writing competition organized by SPArC on 12.12.22.
- Tarub Kausar of UG Semester 2 has secured 2nd position in District level Painting competition organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra on 14.03.2023.
- Tarub Kausar of UG Semester 2 has won 1st prize in the Inter class Indoor Game tournament organized by Karim City College on 10.05.23.
- Manish Mukhi of UG Semester VI was selected as the Chief Organizing Secretary of SPArC (2021-2022).
- Bishakha Kumari of UG Semester VI was selected as President of NSS Unit of KCC (2021-2022).
- Bishakha Kumari of UG Semester VI was selected as Moderator of Press & Social Media Club of SPArC (2021-2022).
- Rajesh Tudu of UG Semester VI was selected as the moderator of Digital Desk of SPArC (2021-22).
- Rumaysa Mehboob of UG Semester VI was selected as Moderator of Book Club of SPArC (2021-2022).
- Sudeepta Mitra of UG Semester VI was selected as member of Music Club of SPArC (2021-2022).
- Raj Minz of UG Sem 6 was selected as members of Logistics Club of SPArC (2021-2022).
- Abhishek Kumar, Noma Ali & Vikash Kumar Mahato of UG Sem 6 were selected as members of Logistics SPArC (2021-22).
- Vishal Gorai of UG Semester III has won 1st prize in “Poster Making Competition” organized by NCC of Karim City College on the occasion of World Ocean Day.
- Vishal Gorai of UG Semester III has won 2nd prize in “Debate Competition” organized by NCC of Karim City College on the occasion of World Ocean Day.
- Uzma Bano of UG Semester III has actively participated in a Dance Competition organized by NSS of Karim City College and secured the 3rd postion.
- Syed Zaara Hassan of UG Sem 3 was awarded a Consolation prize in “We… The Poets’ in English Category.
- Arka Priya Mahapatra of UG Sem 3 was awarded a Consolation Prize in “We… The Poets” in Hindi Category.
- Sarnendu Mahapatra of UG Semester III has won 1st prize in Music in “Communal Harmony Week” organized by NSS.
- Arzoo Naz of UG Semester III won the best poet award in Poetry Writing organized by the Women’s Cell.
- Priyanka Das of UG Semester III successfully secured the degree of Diploma in Fine Arts by Sarva Kala Bharti, Kolkata.
- Prerna Pandey of UG Semester III has won 3rd prize in music in “Communal Harmony Week” organized by NSS.
- Smriti Dey of UG Semester III has secured 2nd position in Slogan Writing Competition organized by SPArC.
- Smriti Dey of UG Semester III appointed as a co-author of the anthology titled “Jazbaat Ke Alfaaz” published by Dead of Writers Publication.
- Raghubir Tudu of UG Semester III has secured 3rd position in Slogan Writing Competition organized by SPArC.
- Kanai Lal Murmu of UG Semester I won 2nd prize in the Waste Material Craft Competition organized by NCC on the occasion of World Ocean Day.
- Ekta Dogra of UG Semester IV was selected as the Literary Secretary and the Chief Editor of the Sparkling Span, the college magazine of the SPArC for the session 2020-21.
- Ekta Dogra of UG Semester IV was awarded the Principal’s Medal of Appreciation in the SPArC Felicitation Ceremony (2020-21) for her outstanding performance in promotng literature and culture in the campus.
- Vinay Anand of UG Semester IV was selected as the Joint Editor of Sparkling Span, the college magazine of the SPArC for the session 2020-21.
- Vinay Anand of UG Semester IV was also awarded the Principal’s Medal of Appreciation in the SPArC Felicitation Ceremony (2020-21) for his outstanding performance in promoting literature and culture in the campus.
- Shreya Guha of UG Semester IV acquired the First position in the English category of We the Poets, a self-composed Poetry competition organised by SPArC.
- Manish Mukhi of UG Semester II had his poem shortlisted among the top 40 poems to be featured in the publication of Lockdown Musings. A national level poetry competition, Lockdown Musings was organised by KET’s V. G. Vaze College of Arts, Science & Commerce (Autonomous), Mumbai
- Manish Mukhi of UG Semester II was also selected as the Literary Club member and Joint Editor of Sparkling Span of SPArC the session 2020-21
- Manish Mukhi of UG Semester II won the Second prize in the essay writing competition in English category, in the Founder’s Day celebration of the college
- Bishakha Kumari of UG Semester II was selected as the Literary Club member of SPArC Student Committee for the session 2020-21.
- Bishakha Kumari of UG Semester II won the First prize in the Hindi Category of We, the Poets, a self-composed Poetry Competition organised by SPArC.
- Bishakha Kumari of UG Semester II also won the First prize in the Hindi Category of We, the Poets, a self-composed Poetry Competition organised by SPArC
- Abhishek Singh of UG Semester II was selected in the HR forum of the SPArC Student Committee for the session 2020-21.
- Priyanka Das of UG Semester I got the consolation prize in We, the Poets, a self-composed Poetry competition organised by SPArC.
- Shreesti Kumari of UG Semester V was selected as the Chief Organising Secretary of SPArC (2019-2020).
- Shreesti Kumari of UG Semester V won the 2nd Runner up in English Debate in the Kolhan University Youth Festival, 2019-2020.
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester V was selected as the Cultural Secretary of the SPArC Student Committee (2019-20).
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester V won the 1st prize in Solo Retro Singing (Communal Harmony week), the 2nd prize in Western Vocals held at Ranchi ( Inter University Youth Festival 2019-20).
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester V won the 1st prize in Western Vocals held at Chaibasa (Kolhan University Youth Festival 2019-20).
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester V won SPArC’s Special Commendation Award for Outstanding Cultural Influence (2019-20).
- Rifsha Hassan of UG Semester V was selected as the Chief Editor of the SPArC magazine, Sparkling Span (2019-2020).
- Rifsha Hassan of UG Semester V won the 2nd position – English Poetry in Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Rifsha Hassan of UG Semester V won the 2nd position – Collage making in Communal Harmony Week by NSS
- Rifsha Hassan of UG Semester V won the 2nd position – Strokes (Face painting) in Satrang by SPArC.
- Saranjeet Kour of UG Semester V won appreciation for her services in the Rotaract Club of the college.
- Saranjeet Kour of UG Semester V secured the Certificate of Recognition Award for serving the society during Bihar Flood Relief, COVID 19 Certificate of Appreciation Award for Roti Day (2019-2020), Rotaractor of the month Award in the month of September- October (2019-2020), Certificate of Appreciation Award for IDYE* (International District Youth Exchange) and the 2,nd position in Collage Competition in Satrang.
- Nivedita Samad of UG Semester V was an active member of the report writing team SPArC (2019-2020). She won the 1st prize in group dance (Patriotic) in NSS’s Communal Harmony Week.
- Puja Bharti of UG Semester V secured the 2nd position in Sur Sangat (group singing) in Satrang and the 1st position in Pot painting in the Communal Harmony Week.
- Pooja Kumari also secured the 1st position in Pot Painting in Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Sonali Kar of UG Semester V was selected as the SPArC’S Joint Editor of Sparkling Span (2019-2020) and secured the 2nd position in Sur Sangat (Group Singing) in Satrang.
- Suravi Mandal of UG Semester V secured the 2nd position- Sur Sangat (Group Singing) in Satrang.
- Aaliya Naushin of UG Semester V rendered her committed services as the SPArC Digital Desk Moderator.
- Sonal Gupta of UG Semester V won the 1st position in the Poster Competition organized by Women’s Cell.
- Deepak of UG Semester V secured the 2nd position in Sur Sangat (Group Singing) in Satrang by SPArC.
- Shreesti Kumari of UG Semester III won the Second Prize in Vichaar Vaar and Riwayat in Satrang organized by
- Rakshanda Iqbal of UG B.A. Part III won the First Prize in Face Painting in Satrang organized by SPArC.
- Rakshanda Iqbal of UG B.A. Part III Second Prize in Collage Competition in Satrang organized by Society for Promotion of Art & Culture (SPArC).
- Shreesti Kumari and Jashama Afroz of A. Semester III represented Kolhan University in the Inter-University Youth Festival at Ranchi in May 2019 in Debate and Western Solo respectively.
- Jashama Afroz bagged the second position in Western Solo in the Inter-University Youth Festival at Ranchi in May 2019
- Ashutosh Kumar of UG Part III was elected as the Logistic Secretary of SPArC, 2018-19.
- Rakshanda Iqbal of UG Part III and Shreesti Kumari of Semester III were appointed as members of the Literary Club of SPArC.
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester III of the department was appointed as member of Music Club of SPArC.
- Rifsha Hasan and Aaliya Nausheen of UG Semester III were appointed as members of SPArC Forum for Discussion & Designing respectively.
- Kajal Kumari and Aman Singh of UG Part III were appointed as members of the HR Forum & Logistics of
- Tanveer Qaisar of UG Part III was appointed as member of the Media Management Forum of SPArC.
- Rakshanda Iqbal of UG Part III was appointed as the Chief Editor for SPArC’s annual magazine Sparkling Span.
- Shreeshti Kumari of UG Semester III was appointed as student member of the Women’s
- Ekta Dogra of UG Semester I won the Second Prize in the Poetry Competition organized in the Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Rooheen Khan of UG Semester I won the Second Prize in the Painting Competition organized in the Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Rooheen Khan of UG Semester I won the First Prize in Spot Photography in Satrang organized SPArC.
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester III won the Second Prize in Collage Competition organized during Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester III won the first prize in Patriotic Song Competition organized during Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester III won the First Prize in Collage Competition in Satrang by SPArC.
- Jashama Afroz of UG Semester III won the First Prize in Solo Singing Western and Second Prize in Solo Singing (Filmy) in Satrang by SPArC
- Saranjeet Kaur of UG Semester III won the Second Prize in the Collage Competition organized in the Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Rifsha Hasan of UG Semester III and Priti Singh of UG Semester I won the Second Prize in the Mehndi Competition organized in the Communal Harmony Week by NSS.
- Afreen Talat of UG Part III won the Second Prize both in the Essay Competition and in the Traditional Walk Competition during the Communal Harmony Week by
- Arnav Ghosh and Sameera Sadaf of UG Semester III won the Third Prize in the Traditional Walk Competition organized in the Communal Harmony Week by
- Shahbaz Ejaz of UG Semester III won the Second Prize in the Essay Competition organized by the college on the occasion of Founder’s Day, 2019.
- Shreesti Kumari of UG Semester III won the First Prize while Shahbaz Ejaz of UG Semester III and Ekta Dogra of UG Semester I won the Second Prize in the Debate Competition organized by the college on the occasion of Founder’s Day,
- Ekta Dogra of UG Semester I presented her short story in Ravi, an event of annual story reading organized by SPArC.
- Shahbaz Ejaz of UG Semester III and Ekta Dogra of UG Semester I won the First Prize in Vichaar Vaar in Satrang organized by SPArC.
- Shreesti Kumari of UG Semester III won the First Prize while Shreya Guha of UG Semester I won the Second Prize in Qalamkaar organized by SPArC.
- Shreesti Kumari of UG Semester III won the Second Prize in Vichaar Vaar and Riwayat in Satrang organized by S
- Rakshanda Iqbal of B.A. Part III won the First Prize in Face Painting and Second Prize in Collage Competition in Satrang organized by SPArC.
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