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Dr. Firoz Ibrahimi


  1. Ph.D. from Magdh University (Pass, Session 2012).
  2. P.G in Psychology from L.N.M.U., Darbhanga. (60.1%, 1st division, Session 1989).
  3. Graduation (Psychology Hons.) from L.N.M.U., Darbhanga (65.5%, 1st division, Session 1985).

Other Course:-

  1. Orientation from A.M.U., Aligarh (4th Sep - 30th Sep 1995).
  2. Refresher from R.U., Ranchi (4th Mar  24th Mar 2011).
  3. Refresher from R.U., Ranchi (5th Feb to 25th Feb, 2013).


  1. National Seminar on Stress and Mental Health Organized by: Jamshedpur Womens College, Jamshedpur on 29th -30th July, 2006. Topic- Optimism: An Antidote for Stress and Promoter of Mental Health.
  2. National Seminar on Suicide on 5th August, 2006 Organized by: Jamshedpur Workers College, Jamshedpur.
  3. National Sports Seminar on 4th-5th November, 2008 Organized by: Sports Department TATA Steel in Association with Sport Authority of India, Eastern Centre Kolkata at JRD Sports Complete, JSR.
  4. National Seminar on Tribal Society of India Organized by: Institute for Social Development & Research, Ranchi on 18th- 20th February, 20012 Topic- A study of Educational Aspiration of ST students.
  5. National Seminar on Psycho-Social Aspects of Stress and Health Organized by: P.G. Department of Psychology, Sido-Kanhu Murmu University, Dumka on 27th -28th February, 2012. Topic- Stress among Working Women.
  6. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Psychology Organized by: Department of Psychology, Karim City College, Jamshedpur on 25th March, 2012. Topic- A Study of Some Factors of Achievement Motivation of General caste and Scheduled Tribes High School Students.
  7. National Conference on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the Senario of Higher Education in India Organized by: Department of History, Karim City College, Jamshedpur on 26th March 2012. Topic- Maulana Azad and Education.
  8. National Seminar on Indian Muslim: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Organized by: Institute for Social Development on 30th Sept- 2nd Oct, 2012. Topic- Indian Muslims in Psychological perspective.
  9. Participation in UGC Sponsored INFLIBNEY AWARENESS PROGRAM Organized by : Karim City College, Jamshedpur on 20th December, 2010.
  10. As a Co-Convener of UGC National Conference on Emerging Trends inApplied Psychology on 25th March, 2012 held at Department of Psychology, Karim City College, Jamshedpur.


  1. Title - A study of educational aspiration of scheduled tribes student (high school) Journal  Journal for Social Development ISSN-0975-0142 Vol  3, No -2 Apr- Jun 2011
  2. Title - Employed Women Led to Empowered Nation Journal - Journal for Social Development ISSN-0974-0142 Vol  3, No-4 Oct  Dec 2011
  3. Title - Class Room Behavior in relation to caste and Effectiveness of group, counseling of maladjusted children (Primary School) Journal - Indian Journal of Human Relation Vol-40, 2011
  4. Title - Stress among Working Women Journal  Anusandhanika ISSN  0974  200X Vol  X No. 1, Jan. 2012
  5. Title - Emotional Intelligence among Tribal and Non-Tribal students. Journal  The Discourse ISSN  2278  0920 Vol  1, Issue 2 July Sep,2012.
  6. Title - Interdisciplinary Field of Human Resource Development Journal  Behavioural Research Review ISSN  0975 -7198, Vol-4 No.2, Sept, 2012.
  7. Title - Organisational Role Stress among working women Journal  Indian Journal of Human Relations, ISSN  0974  1088, Vol.41, 2012.
  8. Title - Counseling Psychology Journal  Asian Resonance (An International Journal) ISSN = 0976  8602, Vol -11, Issue  1, Jan, 2013.
  9. Title - Mental Illness
  10. Title - Bihar Research Journal (An International Refered Journal) ISSN  0975  4288, year  4, issue  8, July  Dec, 2012.
  11. Title - Application of Psychology in the field of Criminal Investigation and Law. Journal  The Discourse. ISSN - 2278  0920 Vol. 2, Issue 1,2 January  March & April  June, 2013.
  12. Title - Leadership Style, Trade Union and Group Co-hesiveness : A Theoretical Review. Journal  Behavioral Research Review ISSN  0975  7198, Vol  5, No. 1, March, 2013.
  13. Title - The Study of Behaviour in Organisational and work setting and the application of the methods, facts and principles of psychology  Accepted

Jharkhand Academic Council

Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi was appoint me as a coordinator for Inspect two College:- Patamda College, Jalla & Kabir Womens College, Jsr for the Permanent Affiliation.

University Assignment

  1. Member of board of studies constituted for U.G. & P.G. Psychology Syllabus of Kolhan University, Chaibasa.
  2. Member of Kolhan University, Chaibasa Sports Control Board and Selector of Kolhan University Cricket Team.
  3. The Governing body of Karim City College head nominated as a member of interview board for the appointment of Assistance Professor in Department of Psychology.

Additional assignment given by the College:

  1. In Charge of Sports Department since 1998 to till now.
  2. In Charge of NCC Department since 29/09/2002 to 2008.
  3. Member of Department of Discipline Committee since 1996 to till now.

Additional Info

  • Qualification: M.A., Ph.D.
  • Designation: Assistant Professor and Head
  • Address: Q.NO-13, J.K.S Housing Society, Phase II Road No.16, Jawahar Nagar.
  • Mobile: 9431346653
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