Dr. Md. Tufail Ahmad

Date of Birth : 30-06-1964
Date of Joining : 20-08-1991
Teaching Experience : 24 Years
Topic of Ph.D. : A Wide-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna
Area of interest : Mathematical Physics, Quantum Mechanics,Electronics.
Area of Specialization : Electronics: Antenna and Propagation..

Academic Achievements:

  1. Presented Paper titled A Study of Application of Laplace Transform to Circuit Analysis. In UGC Sponsored National Conference on Application of Transform on Special Function. Organized by P.G Department of Mathematics, Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  2. Presented Paper Titled What should we teach in physics At National Conference on Convergence with physics organized by Department of physic, Jamshedpur Womens College.
  3. Attended one day UGC Sponsored INFLIBNET Programme.
  4. Attended Translation Orientation Programme (Urdu) of National Translation Mission organized by Central Institute if Indian Languages.
  5. Participated in Short Term Course on Computer Application organized by Academic Leadership and Education Management and UGC Human Resource Development Centre (A.M.U., Aligarh).

Orientation and Refresher Courses:

  1. One month orientation Course from ASC A.M.U. Aligarh.

Publications: Nil

Books: Nil

Research Papers:

  1. Md. Tufail Ahmad, R.S. Jha Rajesh and H.N. Mishra, Study of the Bandwidth of resonant rectangular microstrip antennas Bulletin of pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 21D, (No.1) 2002 P 13-21. ISSN-0970-6559.
  2. R.P. Singh, Dr. Md. Tufail Ahmad, Synthesis and Analysis of Microstrip Line Fed Trapezoidal Microstrip Patch Antenna at 800 MHz, International Journal of Research & Technology, Vo. 4,issue. 9., September 2015. (ISSN: 227-0181, Reg. No.:IJERTV4IS090305).
  3. R.P. Singh and Md. Tufail Ahmad, Studies of Microstrip Patch Antenna and its applications Physical & Environmental Science Bulletin, Vol-2, December 2014, (ISSN 2347-4866, Reg. No.:00632/04/2012-TC).
  4. R.P. Singh, Md. Tufail Ahmad, Analysis of an Elliptical Edge Feed Microstrip Patch Antenna at 800 MHz,: IJAIS, Foundation of Computer Science , U.S.A.

Creative Writings: Nil

Other Academic/ Administrative Responsibilities:

  1. A member of DRC Department of Physics, Kolhan University, Chaibasa.
  2. Attended the meeting of syllabus committee of Kolhan University for preparing Draft syllabus.
  3. Appointed as question setter of Jamshedpur Womens College, JSR. (An Autonomous College of Kolhan University, Chaibasa).

Additional Info

  • Qualification: M. Sc. Ph.D.
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Address: H. No.11, Iqra Colony, Near Chepapul, Azadnaga, Mango, jamshedpur-
  • Mobile: 9835343902
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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