Prof. Ashok Kumar Dash

Date of Birth : 15th march, 1950

Designation & Present Position : Lecturer in English, Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Date of joining (on Adhoc ): 03/11/2009

Date of joining (on present post) : Continuing on adhoc basics till date.

Teaching experience( in years) : 07 years 05 months (in Karim city College) & 06 years( in other colleges)

Area of Interest: Creative writing

Area of Specialization: Fiction



Seminars, Conferences & Workshops:

  1. Presented a paper entitled Feminism and Beyond and contributed my services in the organization of UGC Sponsored National seminar Reverting the Gaze: Analyzing the portrayal of male Characters in the friction of Indian Female Novelists during 30th & 31st March, 2011 held at Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  2. Contributed my services in the organization of UGC sponsored National Seminar entitled Literature and the subconscious: Dream and Memory as Narrative structure in Indian writing in English as Member during 20th & 21st December, 2011 held at Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  3. Rendered my services in the organization of UGC Sponsored National Seminar entitled  Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the Scenario of Higher Education in India on 26th March, 2012 held at Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  4. Presented a paper entitled Dickens- His Art of Characterization and Narration in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Celebrating Charles Dickens: His Mind and Art During 3rd and 4th April, 2013 held at karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  5. Rendered my services as a Member of the Organizing Committee for organizing UGC Sponsored National Seminar entitled Remapping History and (Con)Textualising Literature: The Tragedy of Partition and the Fictional Narratives of the Indian Subcontinent during November 26th-28th, 2016, held at Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Orientation & Refresher Courses: Nil.



a) Books & Research Papers ( with ISBN / ISSN Numbers): Nil.


b) Creative Writings:

My poems published in The Challenge (ISSN: 2278-9499) and Das Literarisch (ISSN: 2454 - 4647)  International Journals of Literary studies and Creative Writings, Jamshedpur.


Other Academic / Administration Responsibilities:

  1. Functioning as Faculty Coordinator in KALA (Karim City College Arcadia of Literary Appreciation) A Deptt. Of English Initiative, Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  2. Taking Professional/Communicative English Classes
  3. Evaluating answer scripts of English of +2 students under Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi, from time to time.
  4. Served as Manager(Personnel) with M/S Hindustan Copper Limited (A Govt of India Enterprise) for 27 years at its unit at Ghatsila.



Additional Info

  • Qualification: MA (English), MA (LSW), LLB.
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Address: Jamshedpur
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