Dr. Aftab Alam Ansari

Date of joining : 16 July, 1987.

Experience : 34 years

Academic Credentials

Examination Passed


Year of passing


Percentage of marks

Ph. D.

Ranchi University.




Orientation Programme

Academic Staff College, Ranchi.

01.06.2001 to 28.06.2001

A Grade


Refresher Course

  1. Academic Staff College, Ranchi.
  2. Academic Staff College, Ranchi.
  3. Academic Staff College, Ranchi.

14.02.2011 to 06.03.2011.

20.08.2002 to 09.09.2002.

14.02.2011 to 06.03.2011.

A Grade


A Grade


M. Com.

Aligarh Muslim University.


1st Div.

60 %

B. Com.

Ranchi University.


1st Div.

66 %

Title of Ph. D.

  • Profit Motive in Private sector Enterprises : A Deep Study of TELCO.

Ph. D. Supervisor of research scholar.

Seminar / Conferences attended

S. No.

Date of Seminar

Name of Organising College

Theme of the Seminar

Title of the Paper presented in the Seminar


28th Feb. & 1st March 2015.

Department of Economics, Oriental college, Patna City

Depreciating Indian Rupee: Causes, Impact & Remedial Measures

Causes of Depreciation of Indian Rupee.


22nd, 23rd & 24th September, 2013.

ISDR Ranchi.

International seminar on population growth.

Population Growth- Trends, Projections, Challenges and Opportunities.


5th to 7th December, 2013.

66th all India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association.

Inclusive Growth and Sustainability Role of Commerce Education in India.

Direct Cash Subsidy- Challenges for implications.


28th and 29th April, 2013.

Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Challenges of taxation and DTC in India.

Direct Tax system in India : challenges and prospects of reforms.


27th & 28th February, 2013.

Jamshedpur Womens College.

Economic and health and education in human resource development with reference to Jharkhand.

Education and Health : the key measures of women empowerment .


27th & 28th March, 2012.

Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Foreign Direct Investment : Changing Paradigm.

FDI in Real Estate ( Private Sector)


26th March, 2012.

Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the Scenario of Higher Education in India.

Maulana Azad and his views in respect of education and national reconstruction.


25,March, 2012

Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Emerging Trend in Applied Psychology.

Occupational Status and stress among Tata steel Employees.


14th &15th February, 2012.

The Graduate School, College for Women, Jamshedpur.

Folklore and Cultural Diversity in Tribal Areas of India.

Artisanal Clusters of Jharkhand : Scope for Capital Intervention.


3rd & 4th February, 2012.

Jamshedpur Womens College.

Corporate Social Responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility in ITC.


19th & 20th December, 2011.

Gyan Chand Jain Commerce College, Chaibasa.

Economic Growth, Sustainable Development and Industrialisation.

Economic Growth and Development for Tribes.


28th & 29th November, 2011.

The Graduate School, College for Women, Jamshedpur.

Women Empowerment and Micro Enterprise.

Women Entrepreneurs


20th December, 2010.

Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

UGC sponsored inflibnet awareness programme.



18th November, 2006.

Loyola School, Jamshedpur.

Accountancy Workshop.



10th & 11th December, 2005.

Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Utilisation of Natural Resources & Sustainable Development of Tribes in East India.

Role of Forests in tribal development.


12th October, 2004.

Karim City College, Jamshedpur.

Workshop of Accountancy.



6th February,2002.

Dept of Commerce and Business Administration. Ranchi University.

Income Tax for Salaried People

Need for Change in Provision of income tax for salaried class.

Articles Published


Title of the Article

Name of the Journal


Problem of Women entrepreneur in India.

Ratna-Garbha, a University Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Vol :4, No.3, sept., 2007.


Impact of Psychological Recession on Human Resource.

Anusandhanika, Research Journal of Commerce and Business Management of Ranchi University, ISSN 0974-200X, Volume III, Number II, January, 2011.


Women empowerment challenges at work.

Anusandhanika, Research Journal of Commerce and Business Management of Ranchi University, ISSN 0974-200X, Volume IV, Number II, January, 2012.

Workshops & Webinar:

  • Workshop on Faculty Development Program. (Traditional Teaching Vs Modern Teaching Methodology) on 9th September2015. By IBS Business School ( ICFAI Group) in Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  • Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management, (Under The Scheme Of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission On Teachers And Teaching Mhrd Govt. Of India from 2nd Feb to 08 Feb. in Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  • Web-Lecture on Covid-19 & Employer-Employee Relationship in India on 11th June, 2020 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  • Web-Lecture on Covid-19 Deadly Virus in Changing Consumer Behaviour on 18th June, 2020 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  • Web-Lecture on Migrated Labours in Covid-19 Effects on Indian Economy and Suggestions on 29th June, 2020 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  • Workshop on Dissertation - Writing on 22nd August, 2020 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur.


  • Academic In-charge Faculty Of Commerce Karim City College From 2013 To Till Now
  • Controller of Examination of Karim City college, from 2003 to 2013.
  • Co Convener of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Foreign Direct Investment : Changing Paradigm. held on 27th & 28th March, 2012, organised by faculty of Commerce, Karim City College, Jsr.
  • Indian Research Bulletin Quarterly Referred Journal ISSN NO-2348-1315(volume 9 issue-1)
  • Total Quality Management : A Study of Newspaper Customer Service.

Additional Info

  • Qualification: M.Com., Ph.D.
  • Designation: Assistant Professor (Head), Academic in-charge (Commerce)
  • Address: Jamshedpur
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