Dr. Kauser Tasneem


Date of Joining (on adhoc) : N/A
Date of Joining (on permanent post) : 22.11.2010
Teaching Experience (in years) : 5 Years
Topic of Ph.D :

Socio-Religious Reform Movements in India and the Position of Women in Bihar (1947-1995)

Areas of Interest :

Modern Indian History, European History, World History, Feminism and Social History.

Areas of Specialisation : Modern Indian History

Academic Achievements


Seminars, Conferences & Workshops

  1. Participated in the UGC sponsored INFLIBNET Awareness Programme held in Karim City College on 20th Dec 2010.
  2. Paper presented in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Gender Equality: A Historical Perspective on 9th and 10th Jan, 2011 in Sri Arvind Mahila College, Patna. The Topic was  Gender Equality : A Historical Perspective.
  3. Paper presented in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Rabindranath Tagore on 31st Mar, 2011 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur. The topic was Rabindranath Tagore  A Visionary.
  4. Paper presented in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Folklore and Cultural Diversity in Tribal area of India on 14th and 15th Feb 2012 in The Graduate School, College for Women, Jamshedpur. The topic was The Role of Folklore in Cultural Unification.
  5. Paper presented in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Impact of education on the development of socio-economic status of India with special reference to Jharkhandon 21st and 22nd Feb 2012 in The Graduate School, Jamshedpur. The topic was  Culture Based Education and Socio-Economic Development.
  6. Paper presented in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Sanskrit Sahitya mein Manav Kalyan on 19th and 20th Mar 2012 in The Graduate School, College for Women, Jamshedpur. The topic was Vedic Age and Women : A historical Perspective.
  7. Paper presented in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the scenario of higher education in India on 26th Mar 2012 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur. The topic was  Maulana Azads Educational Ideology.
  8. Paper presented in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on  Forest Movement and the Forest Law in Jharkhand held on 18th& 19th Jan 2013. The title of the paper was  Tribal Women : Natures Angels.
  9. Paper presented in the UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by the department of geography, Kolhan University , Chaibasa held on Jan 31st  Feb 1st 2015 on  Constraints of Industrial Development in Bihar and Jharkhand. The title of the paper was Historical Sights and the Prospects of Tourism in Bihar.
  10. Paper presented in the National Seminar on History of Jharkhand : A Blue print for reconstruction held on Nov 28-29, 2015 organized by the University department of History, Ranchi University. The title of the paper was Political and Socio-Religious Institutions of the Mundas.
  11. Paper presented in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Ethics in Profession : Scope and Issues held on 21st and 22nd Jan 2016 organized by the Department of Philosophy, Jamshedpur Womens College. The title of the paper was Debating Ethics in Coaching Institutes

Orientation and Refresher/Courses


Books and Research Papers : (with ISBN/ISSN)

  1. Paper entitled Gender-Equality : A Historical Perspective published in the proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminar held in Sri Arvind Mahila College, Patna on 9th and 10th Jan 2011.
  2. Paper published in the Proceedings of a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Rabindranath Tagore in the Light of his 150th Birth Anniversary held on 31st March 2011 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur. Pp.68-72. The title of the paper was Rabindranath Tagore A Visionary.
  3. Paper entitled The Role of Folklore in Cultural Unification published in the proceedings of the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Folklore and Cultural Diversity in Tribal Areas in The Graduate School College for women held on 14th and 15th February 2012. pp.376-379.
  4. Paper entitled The Role of Folklore in Cultural Unification published in the proceedings of the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Folklore and Cultural Diversity in Tribal Areas in The Graduate School College for women held on 14th and 15th February 2012. pp.376-379.


  1. Paper published inThe Discourse, A Bilingual Refereed Quarterly Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 2, Issue 3 & 4, July- September, October-December 2013. (ISSN 2278-0920) pp.200-209. The title of the paper was Changing Paradigms of Gender Equality : A Historical Perspective.
  2. Paper published in The Discourse, A Bilingual Refereed Quarterly Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 2, Issue 3 & 4, July- Sept, October-December 2014. (ISSN 2278-0920) pp.63-66. The title of the paper was Mapping the Contours of Gandhian Philosophy.
  3. Paper entitled Defining Swadeshi Movement published in Pratidhwani: The Echo, A Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Karimganj College, Assam. Vol 4, Issue 1 2015 July. Pp. 25-29.(ISSN 2278-5264)
  4. Paper published in Shodh Sampreshan, International Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal, July-Sept 2015. Vol 13, Issue 3rd. The title of the paper was 19th century Socio-Religious Reform Movement : Ideology and Philosophy p. 38-40. (ISSN 097- 6459)

Creative Writings:


  1. Delivered a lecture in the Centre for Academic Development, Karim City College and the topic was Paradigms of Gender Equality : A Historical Perspective.

Other Academic/Administrative Responsibilities

  1.  Acted as Co-Convener in the U.G.C. Sponsored National Conference entitled Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the scenario of Higher Education in India held on 26th March 2012 in Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  2.  Acted as a Rapporteur in an UGC sponsored National Seminar organized by the department of History, Jamshedpur Womens College on 18th& 19th Jan 2013 on Forest Movement and Forest Laws in Jharkhand : A Historical Analysis.
  3. Co-ordinator of the Womens Cell of Karim City College, Jamshedpur.
  4.  Member of the IQAC of Karim City College, Jamshedpur.




Additional Info

  • Qualification: M.A., Ph.D.
  • Designation: Assistant Professor
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