Internal Quality Assurance Cell
IQAC is a post-accreditation quality enhancement and sustenance measure that aims to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the academic, administrative and financial performance of the institution. With the assistance of Dr. S. M. Yahiya Ibrahim as Coordinator and Dr. Mohd. Moiz Ashraf as Assistant Coordinator, a team has been constituted to plan, coordinate, and monitor the functioning of the college in an effort to give the stakeholders an opportunity to participate in the cross-sectional and multi-dimensional performance of the institution. The IQAC is a great changing force and a tool for sustenance and up-gradation. It does act as suggestive body for the sustenance and assurance of quality with reference to academic, administrative, financial, infrastructural and student support areas but more than this it is a major role player in planning, implementation and execution of multifarious developmental activities. MIS, multipurpose digital ID Cards, Digitisation, Help Desk, CCTV, Digital Notice Boards, Free Wi-Fi for students, LCD TVs for Student Common Rooms are a few among many projects that are undertaken by the IQAC. It has been continuously organising workshops for teaching and non-teaching staff and motivational programmes for students. The Feed Back Analysis mechanism, SWOC Analysis mechanism, publication of Academic and Activity Calendar, Curriculum Distribution, Student Seminars, Parent-Teacher meetings, Student mentoring, Academic and Administrative Audit, Green & Engergy Audit, Gender Audit, Student Satisfaction Survey are a few concepts that were introduced and undertaken by the IQAC. The College website has also been managed and updated under the guidance of IQAC and the practice of uploading Class Routines, gist of lectures and programme & course outcomes on the College website has also been introduced by the IQAC. From the last few years the College is publishing its Academic and Activity Calendar and efforts have been made to ensure its implementation under the aegis of the IQAC. The IQAC monitors the effectiveness of all teaching learning activities, co-curricular, extracurricular and extension activities and corrective measures are suggested to the College Management for redressing the lacuna. A look on the Action Taken Report (ATR) uploaded on the IQAC section of the website may also prove helpful to gauge the role and involvement of IQAC in the developmental activities of the College.
1. | Dr. Mohammad Reyaz | Chairperson |
2. | Dr. S. M. Yahiya Ibrahim | Coordinator |
3. | Dr. Md. Moiz Ashraf | Assistant Coordinator |
Adopting the mission of NAAC the IQAC@KCC envisages
- To make quality the most defining element of the college
- To achieve quality through a combination of self and external quality evaluation, promotion and sustainable initiatives
- To promote quality culture of the college through institutionalising and internalising all quality enhancing and sustaining initiatives taken with internal & external support
- Quality sustenance, Quality Assurance & Quality enhancement
- To act as a suggestive as well as interventionist body for quality sustenance, assurance and enhancement in academics, administration and finance
- To act as a catalyst and develop a system for conscious and consistent improvement in the overall performance of the college
- To promote holistic academic excellence including the recommendations of the peer teams
- To plan strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality
- To promote institutional quality enhancement and sustenance through the internalisation of quality culture and institutionalisation of best practices
- Timely, efficient and progressive performance of the academic, administrative and financial units of the college
- Adoption of relevant and need based academic programmes
- Equitable Access to academic programmes for various sections of the society
- Optimisation and Integration of modern method of teaching and learning
- Credible assessment & evaluation process
- Allocation, adequacy and maintenance of support structure and services
- Networking with other institutions and organisations in India and abroad
- Fostering value system in students
- Promoting the use of Technology
- Development & Application of Quality benchmarks
- Setting the parameters for various academic and administrative activities
- Facilitating a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education
- Faculty development to adopt the required knowledge and technology
- Collection and analysis of feedbacks from the stakeholders
- Dissemination of Information on various quality parameters to all the stakeholders
- Organisation of workshops, seminars, conferences on Quality related themes
- Organisation of Awareness and Motivational Events for students
- Promotion of Quality Circles
- Documentation of various programmes, events and activities
- Acting as a modal agency for the institution
- Coordination of Quality related activities
- Adoption and dissemination of best practices
- Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing institutional quality
- Conduct of Academic, Administrative, and other Audits with their follow up activities
- Promoting the use of Technology
- Keep the college ready for AQARs, SSRs, IDPs, Assessments, Evaluations, Inspections and Rankings
- Preparation on 5 Year Strategic Plan & 20 Year Perspective Plan
- Suggested to start several full time Academic Programmes
- Suggested to introduce Short Term Value Added Courses (VAC)
- Prepared College Code of Conduct
- Introduced Academic & Activity Calendar
- Introduced Annual Reports by Academic Departments
- Prepared Policy Document on Feedback Mechanism
- Prepared Policy Document on Scholarship/Free-ships/Fee Waivers/Instalment Payments & Excellence Awards
- Prepared Policy Document on E-governance
- Prepared Policy Document on Green Campus & Environmental Initiatives
- Prepared Policy Document on Financial Assistance to Teachers
- Suggested E-waste Management
- Undertakes Quality Audits
- Undertakes Feedback Mechanism
- Idea of Syllabus Distribution & Lesson Plan
- Suggested Parent Teacher Meeting
- Initiated Advance & Slow Learners Practice
- Initiated Mentor-Mentee Practice
- Preparation, Uploading & Evaluation of Pos, Pos, Cos
- Introduced Annual Reports by Students’ Platforms
- Helping to look after the College Website,
- Suggested Library Portal, Alumni Portal
- MIS & Digitisation
- Regularly Active for Quality Sustenance, Enhancement & Assurance in Academic, Administrative, Infrastructural, Student Support & Financial life of the college
- Meetings of its Steering & Advisory Committees
- Meetings with Students, Teachers & Non-Teaching
- Organises Workshops, Training Programmes, Motivational Lectures for the Faculties & Non-teaching
- Continuously Collaborating with UGC-MMTTC AMU, Aligarh for organizing Short Term FDPs
- Organises Awareness & Motivational Events (online & offline both) for the Students
- Plays a Pro-active role in the introduction & implementation of new ideas and innovations
- Acts as a suggestive body for the introduction of new programmes and in the establishment of different cells or statutory bodies as per the recommendations of the UGC, NAAC or the State Govt.
- Sets the Annual Agenda on the basis of the 5 years Strategic Plan or 20 years Perspective Plan
- Adopts Quality Improvement Strategies with regard to Curriculum Planning & Implementation, Teaching-Learning, Library, Internal Evaluation, ICT, MIS, Website, Use of Technology & Digitisation, Infrastructural Maintenance, IT Infrastructure, Student Support Services, Welfare Measures etc.
- Obtains Online Feedbacks of Students, Parents, Teachers, Alumni & Employers annually, analyses it and prepares Analysis & Action Taken Reports which have been uploaded on the college website
- SWOC Analysis of the college (every 5 year)
- Academic & Administrative Audit (every 2 year)
- Gender Audit (every 2 year)
- Green & Energy Audit (annually)
- Review of Attainment of Pos, PSOs, Cos with reference to annual result of the college
From 2019-20 to 2023-24
- Student Workshop on ‘Coping Examophobia’ by S. A. Basir, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Banarasidas Chandiwala Hospital, Psycare Hospital, Lord’s Hospital & Crib’s Hospital, New Delhi, 18th January 2020
- Student Workshop on E-waste Management, 13th February 2020
- National Science Day, Student Seminar on ‘Inculcating Scientific Temper among our Youths’, joint venture with Dept. of Maths, 28th Feb 2020
- Online Lecture on ‘Sir Syed: Beyond Education’ by Shafey Kidwai, Professor & Head, Department of Mass Communication, AMU, Aligarh, 18th October 2020
- E-lecture on ‘How to Improve Memory for Academic Purposes’ by S. A. Basir, Senior, Consultant Psychiatrist, Banarasidas Chandiwala Hospital, Psycare Hospital, Lord’s Hospital & Crib’s Hospital, New Delhi, 25th October 2020
- Online Academic Leadership Course on Personality Development from 28th Jan 2021 to 3rd Feb 2021 held for the teachers of Karim City College under the aegis of CALEM, HRDC AMU Aligarh
- Online Lecture on ‘Maximising Learning Outcomes through the Being-Belonging-Becoming Triad’ by Sophia Livingston, Principal, Salem Christian College of Arts & Science, Salem, 4th October 2021
- Online Book Talk on ‘Tainted with Prayers’ by K. Singh, Poet & Retired Professor, ISM Dhanbad, joint venture with SPArC Book Club, 15th Feb 2022
- EDUCATION CONCLAVE, Joint Venture with Mastersoft, Pune, Attended by: Principals, IQAC Coordinators, Faculty Members of Kolhan University Chaibasa, Chief Guest, Prof. (Dr.) Gangadhar Panda, Vice Chancellor, Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Guest of Honour, Dr. Vibha Pandey, Deputy Director, Department of Higher & Technical Education & State Nodal Officer, PM-USHA, Govt. of Jharkhand, 10th May 2022
- LECTURE ON ‘IPR & COPYRIGHT ISSUES by Syamala, Associate Professor, IPR, National University of Study & Research in Law (NUSRL), Ranchi, 29th June 2022
- Teachers’ Workshop on ‘NEP Curriculum’ by Dr. Ranjit Kr. Karan, NEP Coordinator, Kolhan University, 5th August 2022
- INSPIRATHON, Dream, Aspire, Achieve
an online career counselling series
Our Most Ambitious Project for Students, Aspiring Civil Services, Talk by Ehtesham Waquarib, IAS, Superintendent of Police, Gumla, Jharkhand, 14. 08. 2022 - INSPIRATHON, Dream, Aspire, Achieve
an online career counselling series
Our Most Ambitious Project for Students, Aspiring Civil Services, Talk by Shahid Raza Khan, IAS, Deputy Muncipal Commissioner, Samastipur, Bihar, 09. 2022 - Principal’s Inspection, with IQAC Team of, Departments, Offices & Students’ Platforms, Jan, Feb, March 2023
- Online NEP Implementation 2020 Workshop Development from 14th & 15th Feb 2023 held for the teachers of Karim City College under the aegis of CALEM, HRDC AMU Aligarh
- Sambhavna, a talk show on career for the Plus Two Students of our Intermediate Section, 2, 9 & 6 Dec 2023
- Understanding FYUGP, an awareness workshop for the students by Dr. P. K. Pani, Ex Exam Controller & NEP Coordinator, Kolhan University, 7th Dec 2023
- Health Checkup Camp, in collaboration with National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), 9th Dec 2023
- INSPIRATHON, Dream, Aspire, Achieve
an online career counselling series
Our Most Ambitious Project for Students, Aspiring Civil Services, Talk by Haris Bin Zaman, IPS, Superintendent of Police, Lohardaga, Jharkhand, 12. 2023 - ONLINE LECTURE ON NAAC PREPARATION for Teachers by (Dr.) Aftab Alam, Department of Management Studies, JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA, 28 Dec 2023
- Principal’s Inspection with IQAC Team of Departments, Offices & Students’ Platforms for NAAC Readiness, Jan-Feb 2024
- Major Website Updation for NAAC Readiness, Jan-Feb 2024
- Lecture on Research Methodology for PG Students by Dr. Saroj Kumar, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Geography, Vinoba Bhave University, 13th Jan 2024
- EDUCATION CONFERENCE JAMSHEDPUR, THRUST AREA – SCHOLARSHIPS, Attended by Principals, Management Heads, Teachers, Students & Parents of Minority Institutions of Jamshedpur, joint Venture with Pahcchan Foundation, Jamshedpur, 18th February 2024
- INSPIRATHON, Dream, Aspire, Achieve
an online career counselling series
Our Most Ambitious Project for Students, On Strategies & Encouragement: A Comprehensive Guide for NET/SET & GATE, Talk by Dr. Ranjit Mandal, Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Hyderabad, JRF qualified, 8 Times NET & 9 SET of different states, 27. 07. 24
- RESEARCH SEMINAR ON Developing Environmental Remediation Technology Coupled with Resource Recovery and Wealth-to-Wealth Strategies by Tabish Nawaz, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, IIT, Bombay, 2. 08. 2024
- Online Malviya Mission Teacher Training Programme on NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitisation Programme from 18th Dec to 27th December 2024
With effect from 2012-13
2012 2012 | 7.12.2012 7.12.2012 | To equip ourselves for the forthcoming semester system of the university. | Though we started the process but the parent university is yet to introduce the semester system. |
To identify those subjects/departments in which students are not performing fairly. | The exercise was done and students of such departments were provided with Remedial Coaching. The heads of departments concerned talked with the students individually and tried to motivate them. | ||
To provide the results of respective Hons./Subsidiary subjects to the department concerned. | The Examination Cell of the college undertook this task and it was implemented with immediate effect. | ||
To provide a copy of the examination calendar of the university to all HODs. | Implemented. | ||
To request all HODs to provide teacher wise and class wise academic schedules of their respective department (For Hons. Subjects only) to the faculty in-charges concerned. | Implemented. | ||
To request the HODs to hold class test at regular intervals. | Implemented. | ||
To organize students seminars in the Departments. | Implemented. | ||
To organize Stress Counseling Sessions for Students. | Two Stress Counseling sessions were organized during the academic year. | ||
To increase the titles and Volumes of Books in Mass Communication Library. | The Prof. In-charge of Mass Communication Department worked with the Library In-charge and substantial number of books was added to the stock. | ||
To ensure availability of books in College Library for MCA students. | Implemented. | ||
2013 2013 | 04.05.2013 04.05.2013 | To organize Stress Counseling Sessions & Career Counseling Session in the next academic year. At least on such session should be held preferably before Durga Puja Vacation. | Implemented. |
To ensure the optimum use of the Virtual Library (offline & Online both) by the Postgraduate as well as Undergraduate Students. | Efforts were undertaken so that students should use the Virtual Library. | ||
To organize a brain storming session with the faculty members after Summer Vacation, preferably in August, to discuss the NAAC Peer Team Report. | Implemented. | ||
Student toppers and academic achievers will be felicitated on the Founder s Day from the next session. | To be Implemented from the next Founder s Day on 21st January 2017. | ||
Proper functioning of the e-cataloguing facility must be ensured. | Fully Operational. | ||
To revise and simplify the feed-back questionnaire. | Implemented. | ||
To upload latest academic profile of faculty members on college website. | Implemented. | ||
To organize a workshop for the non-teaching staffs with regard to enhancement in work ethics and quality assurance. | A one day workshop was organized at the internal level. | ||
To upload the course of studies on the Virtual Library of the College/College Website. | Yet to be Implemented. | ||
To make the Disciplinary Committee more functional & proactive. | It is an ongoing process. Things are well taken care of. | ||
The filming of Science Practical Classes for future use. The Mass Communication Department has to undertake this as a student project. | Yet to be implemented. | ||
Sincere students may also be asked to identify the title of such text books that should be made available in large number in the College Library. | It is an ongoing exercise and the heads are in constant touch with sincere students in this regard. | ||
The faculty members should discourage irregular students and not to allow them to attend their classes without prior permission of the Principal. | Implemented. | ||
Department should organize Parent-Teacher Meeting after the Summer Vacation. | Implemented. | ||
The class tests should be organized on dates fixed and announced by the Examination Cell. It was also suggested that mark list the class tests should be displayed on the notice board by the Examination Cell. | Only the first part is implemented. Evaluated answer books are shown to the students in the class room. | ||
2014 | 22.01.2014 | To organize Stress Counseling & Career Counseling Session. | Two such sessions were organized during this academic session. |
To constitute a Committee to look after the proper updation of college website. Dr. Anwar Shahab, Prof. Md. Moiz Ashraf and Dr. G. Vijay Laxmi were nominated and authorized by the Principal to get in touch with the service provider for the continuous updation of College Website. | Undertaken. | ||
To upload the class schedules from the next academic session i.e. 2014-15 on college website and e-portal. The Faculty In-charges were requested to cooperate with the Website Updation Committee in this regard. | Implemented. | ||
Minimizing the use of mobile phones by defining the Dos & Don ts of the use of cell phones in the campus. It was resolved to circulate notices and posters as soon as possible. | Implemented. | ||
2014 | 26.04.2014 | To organize at least two Stress Counseling & Career Counseling Session. | Implemented. |
To start acting on the suggestions given by the NAAC Peer Team Report. | Going on. | ||
To Organize Parent-Teacher Meeting of Degree Part I Students. | Implemented. | ||
Adoption of a village by the college NSS Unit. | Kopali Village in the Saraikela Kharsawan District has been adopted. | ||
2014 | 26.07.2014 | Preparation of AQAR 2014. | Undertaken. |
2014 | 29.11.2014 | Establishment of Women s Cell. | Established. |
To consider the proposal of Rotary Club of Singhbhum (East) for establishing Rotaract Club in the college. | Established. | ||
2015 | 24.01.2015 | To organize Indoor Sports Meet. | Implemented. |
To Organize a Meeting of the Principal with the Faculty Members before the commencement of every academic session. | Undertaken. | ||
To Organize Class Tests of Degree Part I & II under the supervision of departmental heads. | It was decided that class tests will be organized on the dates announced by the Exam Cell. | ||
To shift the college website to | Implemented. | ||
2015 2015 | 25.04.2015 25.04.2015 | To quip the Media Appreciation Room of Dept. of Mass Communication with projector, smart board and inbuilt sound system. | Implemented. |
To Shift the IQAC office from the office of Centre Distance Education to a separate room. | Implemented. | ||
To procure new furniture, office equipments, computer and printer for the newly proposed office of the IQAC. | Implemented. | ||
Enhancement, procurement and establishment of different infrastructural, academic and student support facilities in the newly built Faculty of Education Campus (New Campus) at Mango, Jamshedpur. | Undertaken. | ||
Preparation of AQAR 2015. | Implemented. | ||
2015 2015 2015 | 21.08.2015 21.08.2015 21.08.2015 | Data keeping of library needs more attention. | The Library In-charge and Librarian are consulted in this regard. |
Installation of Digital Notice Boards & CCTV. | Yet to be Done. | ||
Reference books (suggested to the students by the faculty members) should be issued to the students apart from the text books. | Partially Done. | ||
Department library in all PG departments in order to ease the pressure on central library. | Partially Done. | ||
Renovation/Up-gradation of Boy s and Girl s common-rooms and increase of facilities. | Yet to be Done. | ||
Reopening of College Canteen. | Canteen Reopened. | ||
To make Career Planning and Guidance Cell more proactive. | The In-charge of the said cell has been pursued in this regard. | ||
To allot independent space/offices to Women s Cell, Grievance Redressal Cell and Rotaract Club. | Due to space crunch the proposal was withheld for the time being. | ||
NCC and Sports Cell of the college will organize activities for general students. | Implemented. | ||
To conduct Parent-Teacher Meeting of Degree Part 1 students. | Implemented. | ||
Compilation and analysis of Feedback forms. | Undertaken. | ||
To conduct SWOC survey and analysis of the college. | Going on. | ||
Preparation of Internal Academic and Activity Calendar. | Implemented. | ||
First Aid Training to college staff. | Not Done. | ||
Establishment of a Medicare Centre. | Still under consideration. | ||
Wi-Fi facilities for the students. | Implemented. | ||
Office Automation, Digitalization & Management Information System (MIS). | It was decided that MIS will be launched from the next academic session 2016-17 in a phase wise manner. In the first phase Accounts, General Office, Admission and Library will be covered. In Phase 2 all academic departments will be covered and in the last phase Examination & Issue of Certificates will be covered. Complete MIS Will be implemented by the end of Dec 2016. | ||
Submission of Department Wise Evaluative Report by the Heads annually. | Implemented. | ||
Central Xerox Facility in college library. | The project is yet to be taken up though it has been decided that library will take up this project. | ||
Installation of Solar Lamps and adopting measures for energy conservation. | In the light of proposed shifting of the campus it was decided that the project will be take up in the new campus. | ||
Attendance & Academic Performance of the students. | It is a ongoing process and the college administration is taking the stock of the situation during the meetings of HoDs. | ||
2016 | 06.04.2016 | To configure our LAN system as M.I.S. | Implementation has begun. |
2016 2016 | 29.06.2016 29.06.2016 | All HODs and Professor-in-charges are requested to submit the annual reports of last four sessions, i.e. 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16, latest by 31st July 2016 in the office of the principal. | Implemented. |
All In-Charges/Coordinators/Conveners of different college bodies like Library, Employability Enhancement Unit [Career Planning and Guidance, Placement Cell] Common Rooms, Women s Cell, Sports, SPArC, Rotaract Club, Safe Club, Grievance Redressal Cell, and Anti-Ragging Cell are requested to submit the annual reports as per the instructions mentioned above. | Implemented. | ||
Faculty members involved with the Committees of SWOC Analysis and Wifi Facilities for Students are requested to complete their process by the end of July and submit their reports in the office of the principal latest by 31st July 2016. | Ongoing. | ||
All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses are requested to submit the reports/marks of class tests in the Examination Department latest by 31st July 2016. | Implemented. | ||
All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses are requested to prepare the soft and hard copy of distribution of courses/topics among teachers well before the commencement of a session. | Implemented. | ||
All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses are requested to organize meetings with the parents of outgoing Part I students latest by 20th July and submit one copy of the reports/records in the office of the principal latest by 31st July 2016. | Implemented. | ||
All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses are requested to organize at least two parent-teacher meetings of the Part I students of new academic session 2016-17 (The first meeting should be organized within one month from the commencement of classes and the second meeting should be organized just before or after the Winter Vacation). The reports/records of these meeting should be submitted within ten days from the dates when such meetings are held. | Implemented. | ||
All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses are requested to submit their Departmental Evaluative Report before the Durga Puja Vacation. | The persons concerned are informed. | ||
All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses are requested to maintain the attendance registers and other related documents/files/registers and should keep the related data ready and intact. | Implemented. | ||
All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses and In-charges/Coordinators/Conveners of different college bodies are requested to maintain activity and achievement records of their departments/bodies concerned. Photographs and newspaper reports should also be taken care of. | The persons concerned are informed. | ||
2016 2016 | 29.06.2016 29.06.2016 | All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses are requested to enhance the use of technology in the teaching-learning process. They are requested to encourage the faculty members to use the e-classrooms and other technical support services while teaching. Students must be encouraged to use the virtual online and offline library. It is also expected that they will donate soft copies of e-books for the enrichment of virtual library. | The persons concerned are pursued in this regard. |
All Professor-in-charges/Coordinators/Conveners of Student Support Services (including Library, Employability Enhancement Unit [Career Planning and Guidance, Placement Cell] Common Rooms, Women s Cell, Sports, SPArC, Rotaract Club, Safe Club, Grievance Redressal Cell, Anti-Ragging Cell etc) are requested to implement the decisions taken in the meetings. They are further requested to activate their bodies to the optimum. | All are being contacted, pursued and motivated time to time by the IQAC. | ||
Faculty members involved with the Website Updation Committee are requested to update the website as soon as possible. They are further requested to maintain the continuity of the updation process. | The Service provider has been asked to come for two hours every week to take up the updation work. In case of emergency updation requirement the service provider has been contacted by the member-secretary of the website updation committee. | ||
An Academic & Activity Calendar is in the making under the supervision of Dr. Md. Reyaz. The Calendar will be implemented from August 2016. All HODs and Professor-in-charges of Vocational/Professional courses and In-charges/Coordinators/Conveners of different college bodies like Employability Enhancement Unit [Career Planning and Guidance, Placement Cell], NCC, NSS, Sports Women s Cell, Rotaract Club, Common Room, SPArC etc are requested to submit proposed month wise activities for the forthcoming session to Dr. Md. Reyaz latest by 31st July 2016. | Implemented. |
2016 | 06.07.2016 | Syllabus Deployment/Lesson Plan | Implemented. |
Academic and Activity Calendar 2016 – 17 | Prepared | ||
Departmental Orientation of newly admitted students | Partially Achieved | ||
Extra Help to slow learners | Initiated | ||
Mentoring of slow learners by senior students | Partially Initiated | ||
2016 | 30.07.2016 | Completion of MIS | Full Achieved |
Evaluation of RUSA Projects | Undertaken | ||
To Enhance the use of ICT by teachers | Initiated | ||
Gist of Lectures to be uploaded on website | Partially Achieved | ||
To Enhance the use of offline portal Rauzan | Partially Initiated | ||
2016 | 12.11.2016 | To start classes of newly admitted students in July instead of August | Implemented |
To start continuing classes immediately after university exam | Implemented | ||
Tutorial/Special classes for slow learners | Partially Initiated | ||
To organise syllabus base Curricular Activities apart from teaching | Partially Implemented | ||
2016 | 16.11.2016 | To minimize the use of paper for official purposes | Partially Initiated |
Digital Notice Boards | Installed | ||
To make MIS fully operational | Fully Implemented | ||
2016 | 19.12.2016 | Formation of Steering Committee for Third Cycle of NAAC | Done |
Establishment of Gymnasium and Medical Care Unit | Achieved | ||
College Renovation | Done | ||
2017 | 07.01.2017 | Improvements in Library | Initiated |
Procurements of Book in the Library as per CBCS Syllabus | Initiated | ||
Net Surfing for Students | Implemented | ||
Wi-Fi for Students | Implemented | ||
Scanning of Books for offline portal | Ongoing | ||
To optimize the use of e-class rooms | Initiated | ||
To increase the use of online facilities in teaching | Initiated | ||
2017 | 18.02.2017 | Preparation of IIQA and SSR | Initiated |
Distribution of work for the preparation of SSR among Steering Committee members | Done | ||
2017 | 25.04.2017 | Preparation of AQAR 2016 17 | Done |
To identify Academic Achieves and slow learners | Initiated | ||
To start the practise of evaluation of results at the departmental level | Initiated | ||
` 2017 2017 | 06.05.2017 06.05.2017 | Renovation and Upgradation of Common Rooms | Undertaken |
To install TV in both Common Rooms | Installed | ||
Addition of creative writing during Sunday Activity Classes | Undertaken | ||
To provide a specific place for rehearsals | To be taken up later | ||
To regularize Canteen Services | Undertaken | ||
Enhancement of social service initiatives | Done | ||
2017 | 13.05.2017 | Academic Calendar of 2017 18 | Done |
Workshop for Security Guards and Gatemen | Undertaken | ||
2017 | 19.05.2017 | Workshop for Teachers on CBCS Syllabus | Undertaken |
Workshop for Non Teaching Staffs on CBCS Syllabus | Undertaken |
Sl.No. | Year-wise AQAR | Download |
1. | AQAR 2005-06 | Click Here |
2. | AQAR 2006-07 | Click Here |
3. | AQAR 2007-08 | Click Here |
4. | AQAR 2008-09 | Click Here |
5. | AQAR 2009-10 | Click Here |
6. | AQAR 2010-11 | Click Here |
7. | AQAR 2011-12 | Submitted Online |
8. | AQAR 2012-13 | Submitted Online |
9. | AQAR 2013-14 | Click Here |
10. | AQAR 2014-15 | Click Here |
11. | AQAR 2015-16 | Click Here |
12. | AQAR 2016-17 | Click Here |
13. | AQAR 2018-19 | Click Here |
14. | AQAR 2019-20 | Click Here |
15 | AQAR 2020-21 | Click Here |
16 | AQAR 2021-22 | Click Here |
17 | AQAR 2022-23 | Click Here |
AGENDA 2024-2025
- Meeting with All Stake Holders
- Awareness & Motivational Programmes for Students and Staff
- Online Events
- ICT in Teaching & Learning
- Feedback Analysis & ATR
- Emphasis on Parents-Teacher Meetings
- Emphasis on Advance & Slow Learners
- Emphasis on Mentor-Mentee Mechanism
- Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy Recourses
- New PG Programmes & Value Added Certificate Courses
- Registration of Alumni Association
- Workshop on IPR & Plagiarism
- Emphasis on Seminars, Conferences & Publications for Teachers
- Students Seminars
- MOU’s, Collaborations & Linkages
- Parents’ Representation in College Bodies
- New E-Class Rooms
- College Calendar
- Online College Journal
- Outdoor Sports Events
AGENDA 2023-2024
- Meeting with all Stake Holders
- Awareness & Motivational Programmes for Students and Staff
- Online Events
- Increased Use of ICT
- Better Record & Data Keeping
- Launching of New Website in view of forthcoming NAAC
- Attainment of Outcomes (Last Five Years)
- SWOC Analysis
- Academic & Administrative Audit
- Feedback Analysis and ATR
- Emphasis on Parents-Teacher Meetings
- Emphasis on Advance & Slow Learners
- Emphasis on Mentor-Mentee Mechanism
- First Aid Tanning of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
- Energy Conservation
- Renewable Energy Recourses
- New PG Programmes
- New Value Added Certificate Courses
- Registration of Alumni Association
- Workshop on IPR & Plagiarism
- Data of Student Progression to Higher Education
- Students Seminars
AGENDA 2022-2023
- Meeting with all Stake Holders
- Awareness & Motivational Programmes for Students and Staff
- Online Events
- Increased Use of ICT
- Better Record & Data Keeping
- Preparation of Outcomes of New FYUGP Syllabus
- Feedback Analyses and ATR
- Emphasis on Parents-Teacher Meetings
- Emphasis on Advance & Slow Learners
- Emphasis on Mentor-Mentee Mechanism
- First Aid Tanning of Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
- Energy Conservation
- Renewable Energy Recourses
- New PG Programmes
- New Value Added Certificate Courses
- Registration of Alumni Association
- Workshop on IPR & Plagiarism
- Establishment of Scholarship Cell
- Data of Student Progression to Higher Education
- Students Seminars
AGENDA 2021-22 | |
1 | To apply for postgraduate teaching in English |
2 | Implementation of Online Integrated MIS through a Pune-based service provider, Mastersoft College App for students and staff members |
3 | To introduce more Online Certificate Courses |
4 | Purchase of more e-books and e-journals for the college library |
5 | Resuming coaching for NET |
6 | To conduct workshops on IPR and Entrepreneurship |
7 | To conduct Academic and Administrative Audit through an external body |
8 | Funding for teachers to attend seminars, workshops and conferences |
9 | Funding for book publication by teaching staff |
10 | Promotion of extension activities in departments |
11 | Installation of Solar Panels |
12 | Setting up of a Green House for medicinal plants |
13 | Adopting initiatives to green the cam |
14 | Developmental Programmes for Teaching and Non-teaching staff members |
15 | Motivational/Awareness Workshop for Students |
16 | To apply for accreditation by NIRF, ISO and other agencies |
17 | Workshops on Theatre/ Creative Writing and Fine Arts |
18 | Registration of Alumni Cell |
AGENDA 2020-21 |
1. Enhancing the Use of ICT in Teaching |
2. Introducing LMS |
3. Collaboration in Extension & Outreach Programmes |
4. Collaboration in Research, Faculty Exchange, Student Exchange |
5. Linkages, MoUs |
6. Library, Digital Database, e-Books, Journals, CDs, Videos |
7. Developing e-Content, NPTEL, e-Pathshala, CEC, SWAYAM, MOOC, NIMCET |
8. Capability Enhancement & Development for Students, Soft Skills, Remedial Coaching, Personal Counseling & Mentoring |
9. Career Counseling |
10. Professional Development/Training for Teaching and Non Teaching |
11. To Introduce Student Satisfaction Survey |
12. To Introduce Mentoring |
13. To Start Innovation & Incubation Centre |
14. To Start Online Certificate Courses |
15. Installing a Bin for e-Waste |
AGENDA 2019-20 |
1. Field Projects / Internship of students |
2. Use of ICT in Teaching |
3. Continuous Internal Assessments |
4. Examination Reforms & Grievances |
5. Minor / Major Projects / Other Projects |
6. Research Publications |
7. Book & Chapter in Edited Volumes |
8. Citations, Citation Index, H-Index |
9. Seminars, Conferences, Workshops |
10. Collaboration |
11. Collaboration in Extension & Outreach Programmes |
12. Collaboration in Research, Faculty Exchange, Student Exchange |
13. Linkages, MoUs |
14. Budget [Infrastructure, Physical Facilities, Academic Support Student Support] |
15. Library, Digital Database, e-Books, Journals, CDs, Videos |
16. Developing e-Content, NPTEL, e-Pathshala, CEC, SWAYAM, MOOC, NIMCET |
17. Capability Enhancement & Development for Students, Soft Skills, Remedial Coaching, Lingua Lab, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counseling & Mentoring |
18. Students benefitted from Guidance for Competitive Exams, Career Counseling |
19. Cases of Grievance Redressal, Sexual Harassment Ragging etc. |
20. Placement Records |
21. Student Progression to Higher Education |
23. Professional Development/Training for Teaching and Non Teaching |
- Assisting the College Authorities in the Proposed Shifting of the Campus
- Meeting with All Stake Holders
- Awareness & Motivational Programmes for Students and Staff
- Short Term FDPs in Collaboration with MMTTC-AMU
- Online Events
- ICT in Teaching & Learning
- Feedback Analysis & ATR
- Different Quality Audits
- Students Satisfaction Survey
- Emphasis on Parents-Teacher Meetings
- Emphasis on Advance & Slow Learners
- Emphasis on Mentor-Mentee Mechanism
- Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy Recourses
- New PG Programmes & Value-Added Certificate Courses
- Registration of Alumni Association
- Workshop on IPR & Plagiarism
- Emphasis on Seminars, Conferences & Publications for Teachers
- Students Seminars
- MOU’s, Collaborations & Linkages
- Parents’ Representation in College Bodies
- New E-Class Rooms
- College Calendar
- Online College Journal
- Outdoor Sports Events
- Bus Service for Students
- Digitisation, IT & ICT
- Better Waste Management
- Changing Room for Female Staff
- Adoption of Localities
- Improvement in Students Support Services
- New Website of the College
- College APP
- Renewable Energy Resources
- Energy Conservation
- Online Feedback
- Meeting Zone / Practice Zone
- Multipurpose Hall
- Allotment of Space for Women’s Cell, Rotaract Club
- First Aid Training of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
- Meeting with all Stake Holders
- Increased use of ICT
- Better Record Keeping / Data Keeping
- Review of all Website Material
- Review of Syllabus Distribution, Gist of Lecture, Lesson Plans and Course Outcomes
- Orientation of Newly Admitted Students at Departmental Level
- Student Workshops
- Professional Development / Training of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
- Workshops on Theatre, Creative Writing, Fine Art
- New Certificate Courses
- Motivational Workshops for Students
- Felicitation of Toppers
- Encouraging Teachers to Participate /Organize National/ International Seminars and Publications
- Stress Counseling Workshops for Students
- Registration of Alumni Cell
- Workshop on Plagiarism & IPR
- Establishment of Innovation Eco System and Incubation Centre
- To Launch Students Satisfaction Survey
- Digital Database, e-Books, e-Contents in Library
- Developing e-Content – Encouraging Teacher for SKIAYM, NPTEL, CEC, NIMCET, MOOCs, e-Pathshala
- To Introduce Scholarships
- Student Progression to Higher Education
- Faculty Empowerment Strategies
- Welfare Schemes
- Students Departmental Seminars
- Academic & Administrative Audit.
Best Practices in Teaching and Learning
- Title: Daily Teaching Report for Faculty Members
Goal: To maintain a daily record of classes taken, portion taught, and student attendance in each class for purposes of academic monitoring and audit.
The Context : The mechanism of daily teaching reports for faculty members was decided to be implemented in order to install a structure of record and feedback on classes taken, portion taught and student attendance, both for individual faculty members and for departments as a whole. The greatest challenge faced in the implementation of this practice was to urge the maintenance of daily records for regular weekly submission and to process the data department-wise for comparative assessment of the progress of teachers and departments.
The Practice: The institution has developed a pro-forma for the daily report with columns for date, classes engaged, classroom number, portion taught, and number of students attended. This report is meant to be filled in by the teacher every day and submitted at the end of the week, i.e. Saturday to the respective Faculty In-charge. On the basis of these weekly reports received, the Faculty In-charge compiles the information at the end of each month to tabulate the number of classes engaged by each faculty member, a copy of which duly signed by each teacher is maintained for records.
The Daily Report also serves as a mechanism for departmental academic audit as the Heads of departments use it to ensure the following:
- Classes are being engaged in accordance with the assigned departmental routine.
- The syllabus allotted to each teacher is duly covered.
- Teachers adhere to their submitted lesson plan in classroom teaching.
- The record of attendance of students is duly maintained.
- Student attendance figures, if low, reflects a need for departmental attention.
Evidence of Success :
The practice has recorded appreciable success and has greatly facilitated the institutional attempt towards quality assurance in teaching and learning. The data made available by this practice in any particular session becomes instrumental in making departmental decisions with regards to syllabus distribution, re-constitution of the lesson plan and other academic activities in the next session.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
The adoption of this practice does not call for any additional resource. The pro-forma can be easily designed and distributed among teachers at a nominal cost. The daily data-keeping is done by the teachers themselves while the compilation at the end of the month is carried out by the respective Faculty In-charges. The records, department-wise, are made accessible to the Heads of departments for purposes of analysis, feedback, and decision-making. A couple of lacunae in this method have, however, been experienced. The first one pertains to the obvious consumption of paper and the encumbering process of maintaining physical records. The second pertains to the frequent possibility of teachers being on leave at the week’s end in which case the process of processing records gets delayed. Both these problems can be effectively addressed through a process of e-reports which while reducing paper consumption, can also be submitted from anywhere.
The institution is working towards implementing the format of e-reports in the forthcoming academic sessions.
- Title: Theory at Work: Promoting Curriculum-based Academic Activities
Goal: In order to overcome the limitations and diversify the base of theoretical learning imparted and received in the classroom, the institution encourages its various departments to propose, devise and engage in both traditional and innovative curriculum-based academic activities for students. The intention is to enable students to master the following skills:
- To test the learning acquired from books in different ideological contexts.
- To make connections between theory and practice in the everyday world.
- To realize the limitations of theory and the creativity involved in practice.
- To make the process of teaching and learning stimulating.
- To encourage exchange of ideas and knowledge sharing with others.
The Context: The institution has, over the years, encouraged and prioritized curriculum-based academic activities in all its departments with the idea of making teaching and learning more interactive and socially-engaged. In an age ruled increasingly by ICT, it accords special value to practical learning acquired through social interaction. While the majority of classes remain assigned to curricular teaching and evaluation, each department is expected to plan a minimum of two academic activities for each batch in each semester.
The Practice:
Each department of the college is expected to organize a minimum of two curricular-based academic activities for each batch in each semester in keeping with the nature, needs, and demands of their syllabus. The activities vary considerably and range from practical data collection and field work to writing film and book reviews and enacting plays.
The following activities have been carried out by the various departments so far:
- Excursions to industries and to places of historical, geographical, and cultural interest.
- Collection of samples and data from local areas for purposes of assignments and projects.
- Preparation of syllabus-related models in groups and exhibitions of the same.
- Workshops on academic areas like research methodology, data handling, and writing skills.
- Representation of theoretical content graphically through posters.
- Screening of films which are cinematic adaptations of literary works that feature in the syllabus.
- Screening of documentaries to deepen the perception and understanding of a particular age, issue, person, or subject.
- Organization of prose and poetry reading sessions and also, occasionally, sessions of dramatic performance in literature departments.
- Discussion sessions on higher education and career prospects in a particular discipline.
- Mock writing exercises that include writing of reports, reviews, interviews, and academic articles.
Evidence of Success : The practice of organizing curricular-based academic activities has been immensely successful with students who enthusiastically participate in large number in these activities and following their participation, emerge with new ideas pertaining to their learning. The introduction of such activities has not only helped increase student attendance and participation in class but has also encouraged them to relate to their course material in dynamic and socially fruitful ways.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required: It must be acknowledged that in organizing such activities, funds are an important consideration. Many of these ventures require extra expenditure which must be borne by the institution. At the same time, teachers must be creative and innovative to come up with new ideas in each semester. Repetition of similar activities with the same batch of students in different semesters is bound to affect their zeal, interest, and participation in them. It must also be ensured that the benefits from such sessions are common and accrue to all learners. Activities targeted at a particular group of learners may damage the spirit with which such plans are conceived. It is also important to acquire independent feedback from students on such activities and to ensure that their organization continues to be worthy and fruitful.
The college has a well established system and procedure for maintaining and utilizing its physical, academic and support facilities. The College has created a mechanism for the better upkeep and optimum utilization of physical, academic and support facilities. The concerned Heads, ProfinCharges of different bodies and platforms have been made responsible for all these. The Routine Incharges ensure optimum utilization of the physical as well as academic and support facilities. The facilities of the campus are available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The classes for vocational courses begin at 8 a.m. whereas the classes of Humanities, Social Science and Science commence at 11.50 a.m. and run till 5.50 p.m. The Classes of Commerce begin at 2.20 p.m. and run till 8.20 p.m. During all these hours the physical, academic and support facilities are available uninterruptedly. The college has appointed different Faculty inCharges who not only look after the academic activities but also ensure better upkeep of classrooms. The Head of Departments concerned are responsible for the laboratories. The Librarian and the ProfinCharge of library are authorized to look after the library facilities. The Sports InCharge and Common Room Incharge are looking after the related facilities. The college has appointed ProfinCharge to look after all the Computer and IT ICT related issues. The computers and the electronics items are used after through an AMC. The college also has AMC for the maintenance of EClassrooms and other ICT facilities. Apart from this there is a Property Incharge, and a Care Taker to ensure the maintenance and management of classrooms, laboratories and all the facilities. Electricity, Waste management etc. has been looked after by JUSCO, a sister concern of Tata Steel.
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